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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Leareth is gone for maybe ten minutes, during which Vanyel starts waking up a little, coughing and half-opening his eyes. He seems distressed when one of the Healers touches his shoulder, trying to pull away, but he calms down when Yfandes nuzzles his face. 


Tarinda can... hold his hand?


He lets her, and seems reassured by it. After a minute he tries to say something, but it comes out an incomprehensible mumble, and his second try in Mindspeech is also, kind of impressively, too garbled to understand, though she can guess both that he's distressed about it and that it's a question. 


"I don't know what you said but I can try guessing things you might want to know? Uh, we're at Leareth's place, wherever that is, he thinks a god was trying to kill me, his Healers think you'll be okay, Savil's in better shape than you and Kellan didn't seem scared for her, Leareth's going to help make sure anyone who - who died can get frozen..."


Vanyel seems to have a hard time following, but he evidently understands enough of it to look even more distressed when she's done; one of the Healers has to gently restrain him from trying to sit up. 


:I don't think he has any idea what happened: Yfandes sends. :He wasn't conscious for it, and he seems to be missing a chunk of memory from just before it as well, he's really confused: 


"You were in the Web-room with Savil and something happened which Leareth thinks was a god trying to kill me and there was a lot of lightning and earthquakes," she summarizes.


Vanyel struggles to listen to her through a searing headache and the gluey feeling pervading his mind, and it still doesn't make any sense, and also he's unbelievably drowsy - he doesn't understand what's happening at all but Yfandes is there and so is Tarinda so it's got to be fine, and maybe he'll just go back to sleep now. 


"He will likely be groggy for the next day," one of the Healers says to Tarinda in strongly-accented Valdemaran. "This was very hard on his body." 


Nod nod.


Leareth is back shortly later. "I have sent aid to Haven. I hope Yfandes is right and they do not react poorly." 

He turns to the Healers, who say some more things in the other language, and then looks relieved. "Ah. Good. I am glad he is improving, that is - closer than I would have preferred."

He ducks out for another moment and returns with two more chairs so that he and Tarinda can sit. 


She takes a chair.


"I will obviously not keep you here against your will," Leareth says, "but - given the givens, I would not recommend your returning to Haven. I am uneasy with Vanyel returning to Haven, though realistically keeping him here may risk war with Valdemar. Anyway. I - should, for prudence, ask for further demonstration of your otherworldly origins, and also additional proof that your superintelligence is in fact aligned with human flourishing. Once that due diligence is complete, I - wish to give you everything you need to do this as fast as possible." 


"I'm stronger and faster and more durable than an unmodified person. I self-heal if I get hurt. Page, my thinking machine, can remember everything that's ever happened to me plus lots of stuff from home and it can cause me to hear and see things directly to tell me what it thinks I need to know, including guessing what I want to say in Valdemaran, which I don't speak this well myself."


Leareth nods. "How long does Page need to learn a language? Is formal instruction needed or simply overhearing spoken conversation for a while?" 


"It would actually be fastest to read a dictionary, if the language has a phonetic alphabet, but I still have to turn all the pages so listening to conversations - it can pay attention to stuff I'm ignoring as long as it reaches my ears - is better for being able to do anything else. It takes less time if it starts with some idea of what anything means. It can't hear Mindspeech or outright read my thoughts but I can make small preverbal motions to tell it what I hear and send."


Leareth nods. "The northern dialect my Healers are speaking does not have a written dictionary, but - do you speak the tongue of the Eastern Empire? It has a phonetic alphabet, though not the same as Valdemar so you would need to learn it, can Page learn that sort of thing quickly as well?" 




"That seems a feasible test, then, I will provide you with a dictionary and a lesson on the alphabet. Would you be willing to inflict on yourself a minor injury so that we can observe your healing?" 


"Yeah, sure, give me something sharp?"


One of the Healers can provide her with a small knife used for lancing boils and other medical procedures, after promising that it's very clean. 


"I can't get infected either but thanks." She nicks her arm and displays it to Leareth.


The Healer not currently observing Vanyel watches as well. 


"I see. That - could not be faked easily, certainly." He stands again. "I will find you a dictionary. Though it is getting late, and I would understand if you preferred to be set up with a room to sleep in first." 


"I can skip sleep. Not indefinitely but I can do it if it'd move things along faster in the long run."

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