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Tarinda in Velgarth
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"It was not at all Her usual style. But I think, on reflection, that - perhaps She cannot skillfully manage subtle coincidences with you. If the gods are indeed annoyed with you for changing the world too fast, it is because it blurs their Foresight predictions, which I understand to be their primary sensory modality. That same noise would mean that She could not predict well what nudges would dissuade you - I am almost certain the chemical accident my spies heard of was one such unsuccessful attempt - and I think They must have been very disconcerted, to jump to an intervention this extreme." 


"Oh, no - Sandra -"


"I am sorry. The gods of this world, in my experience, do not quibble at some collateral damage when trying to stop people such as us. But we should be safe here in the north, it is neutral ground unclaimed by any extant god." 


"This explains a lot of what you were saying before."


Slight frown. "- Which parts of what I was saying before? I do not recall exactly what I said to you, I was rushed." 


"About Sandra's accident and how you expected me to already know that this was a risk."


"Yes. I was suspicious instantly, and I did not even have confirmation you were in Haven. But - if you come from another world, that would explain why you were not expecting this. I should perhaps have spoken of it more to Vanyel; I apologize for not better warning you." 


"I think you have had interestingly bottlenecked communications."


"That is very true. I hope it will be different, now." 


Is he supposed to be following this conversation or something, he really isn't succeeding. 


"Van, you don't seem to be retaining stuff very well between wakings, do you want me to stay here for now?"


Vanyel really wants her to stay. "Only if you don't mind." 


"It's fine, I just went somewhere with a second bed to nap but I can probably get them to move a mattress in here."


"We can certainly do that. I think it would be good for Vanyel if you stayed." :Since my presence, unsurprisingly, is not very reassuring to him: he adds privately in Mindspeech. 


"I finished my list," she adds, offering it to Leareth.


Leareth takes it and briefly scans it. "Ah. Yes, I can get you all of this within a couple of days. We can set up an initial workshop in the room downstairs, it is not being used for anything currently and I think ventilation is manageable - unless you need much more space." 


"I'm eventually going to need a lot of space."


"We can excavate space for more rooms in preparation. Or move to another facility, I suppose, but this is the best one in many ways, especially for secrecy of location." 


"It doesn't have an obvious affordance for electricity - unless there's a river somewhere nearby? I guess I could burn coal, but I'd rather not."


"I wonder if mage-energy can be converted to electricity. At the very least, heat-spells or weather barrier related techniques will not produce smoke, and this area does have available node-energy." 


"That'd be easy to test, with copper and a magnet."


"Those are not difficult to obtain and I can have them for you within a few candlemarks." 


"Eventually it'd be important to be able to get very specific and steady amounts of electricity, which might be best done with an artifact you can recharge instead of someone standing there all the time."


Nod. "That ought be doable with some study." 


"Electricity is useful for things before you build any superintelligences but I don't know if it's safe to commercialize."

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