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Tarinda in Velgarth
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"I certainly hope so. Though, I am not sure if anyone could do it but Vanyel, and - I would understand if he were hesitant to go in there again." 


"Yeah... but they can't just keep it, can they -"


"If they do then I think Vanyel should not return to Haven. I am not sure he would be at risk anymore if you are not there, but...nonetheless." Leareth's breath eases out in a quiet sigh. "I fear it will be more dangerous for him to shut the Heartstone down, if She does not wish this to happen. I know very little of Heartstones, they are a close-held secret of the Tayledras, but the reason they have flexibility and some intelligence is because they contain a fragment of Her." 


"Maybe his Tayledras friends could take it out?"


"If they agree to do so. It seems they ought at least ask, but - if She does not want this done..." 


"Well. Sing'll figure it out but that doesn't make Haven a lot more habitable in the meantime."


Leareth nods. He doesn't say anything for a moment; his eyes are fixed ahead, not quite focused on Vanyel's sleeping form. 


"- you okay?"


He blinks. "Oh. I am - worrying, I suppose. About what it means that the gods are resorting to such extreme tactics against your work. We should be safe here, nonetheless, but - it bothers me, that I would not have predicted the events in Haven and yet they happened." 


"Does it mean Sing isn't going to be able to talk to them?"


"Maybe. I am not sure... It is possible They know little about what you are actually doing, and will in fact be less alarmed once there is a concrete result. And - likely it is the case that Sing would be better equipped to understand Their priorities and negotiate with Them. But, Their response now is certainly not reassuring on that front." 


"I don't really get how they work, since we don't have any."


"I do not have a published treatise on this topic, but - could give you some of my notes on it and then you could ask questions if you are confused?" 


"I guess, yeah."


"I will go dig that up for you when I have a chance. Is there anything else you need right now?" 


She shakes her head.


Leareth nods to her and heads out. 


She sings softly to pass the time. Paces a little.


He comes back around lunchtime with some loosely-bound pages of notes and an update on her workshop and materials list. 


His arrival wakes Vanyel, who lies there for a while with his eyes closed trying to decide if he feels like opening them. 

"News from Haven?" he says finally, after lifting his eyelids a crack to confirm that it's Leareth. 


Leareth turns to look at him, calmly, and repeats the same update he gave Tarinda earlier. 


Vanyel struggles into a sitting position. "Kilchas. Gods. I can't - I don't..." He trails off, looking like he's about to cry. 


Leareth seems unsure how to respond. 


"They got him frozen, and his Companion too."


Vanyel nods. He doesn't seem that reassured. 

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