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Tarinda in Velgarth
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"It's sort of arguable how biological it is. Can they see, uh, flu and cold germs?"


"I think they can see the resulting processes but not the causative agent, but I suspect that is a matter of no one having trained their Sight to go in that close, because there was not a known route for this to improve treating patients. Healing-Sight can be trained to go in much closer than what most Healers use, and I suspect we have not yet hit a limit there." 


"Then they should try looking real close at it, I guess. Let me know when you want me to start thinking of places - or having Page translate physics stuff, if you want that first."


"We can do physics. I will probably want to do places later once I have made more progress on the rest, since I do not have an eidetic memory and will want it as fresh as possible." 


Tarinda nods, and closes her eyes. "Go ahead and look."

Physics scrolls across the darkness, in English and in translation; Page at first also offers phonetics for Tarinda to read off but after a minute gesture from her it cuts it out. She is trying to look at it enough for him to lift it out of her brain but she is mostly listening to the gorgeous orchestra that's playing in her ears and wondering if Cory is okay, poor Cory who needed everything around her to be gentle for maybe not even very long but she needed it to be up to her, the decision to go out into a less gentle part of the world, who will look after Cory -


Leareth takes very rapid notes. Tries not to pay attention to her other thoughts and feelings, that's not what he's here for - he sort of wants to reassure her, that they will find a way for her to go home, either he will or Sing will - but they can't do it fast, it's going to take a long time, and so there isn't really any point saying something now. 

He thanks her politely when they're through. 


"No problem."


If she doesn't need anything else he'll go straight to Gate-research; her assistants are still available for her anytime. 



Back to making a supercomputer out of rocks.


Leareth starts working on the Gate problem. It's obvious within a candlemark that this is going to be very, very hard, but he still thinks it has to be possible somehow. He points his Healers at studying the sample of healing-salve. 


Vanyel wakes up feeling a lot better! And kind of restless. He wants to help with something even though he realistically shouldn't go back to Haven right now, and it's unclear Tarinda needs his help. He kind of wants to talk to her anyway but probably he shouldn't distract her from building Sing as fast as possible. 

There's a message from Valdemar. Savil is doing fine and worried about him. He probably shouldn't come back to Haven, given the givens, but if Leareth has a more-secure method of them communicating, she really wants to hear from him.

Also no one is sure what to do about the Web. As an interim fix, they're planning to do all Web-work from not the Heartstone sanctum, but this makes it much harder for Savil; they're also trying to avoid non-completely-necessary Web-work at all, but this isn't great for Valdemar's defences.

...On reflection he's not sure what they should be doing about the Web at all. It's starting to seem like it's straight-up a bad idea to have a Heartstone, and - well, they need the defences less, right, now that they're on suddenly very good terms with Leareth.

Maybe he does need advice from Tarinda after all. 


He can encounter her in the dining hall having lunch.


Oh, good, relatively interruptible moment and also lunch seems like a good idea. He collects a plate and sits down by her. 

"Er, how's your day so far?" 


"Making progress. You?"


"Feeling lots better, at least. Um. I'm - really not sure what Valdemar should do about the Heartstone. It seems bad." 


"Yeah, I don't know either. It seems like you can't keep it but it might be dangerous to remove. I was thinking you could ask your Tayledras friends but Leareth wasn't sure about that."


"Hmm. I - can definitely imagine them not wanting to help - I'm trying to decide if it'd actually make things worse to ask. It's not like it tells Her anything that's not already very obvious? I don't think? I guess it could make them less likely to help in future with other things, but honestly She could just tell them not to anyway... I'm not sure." 


"How's the binding pact thing work? Does it make them stay even if they want to leave, or make them not want to leave?"


"Oh. Hmm. They can leave, briefly, I guess if She approves it, they came to Haven a year ago when we, er, needed them badly." 


"What if she'd said no?"


"I don't know! I imagine they'd be more reluctant to go, at the very least." 


"Is the pact even an actual thing that does stuff as opposed to just them figuring that since their ancestors agreed they should stick by it?"


"I don't know either! There's something that's an actual thing, I think, there must be, Moondance gets weird Foresight feelings from Her, although I don't know if that's specifically a Healing-Adept thing." 


"What's a Healing-Adept?"


"Someone with a combination of really strong Healing and mage-gift and - maybe something else, I don't know, but anyway it's not really found outside the Tayledras. They use it to cleanse the land of fallout from the Cataclysm." 

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