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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Humming and trying to get a scale to give a precise enough reading.


He watches, intrigued, and waits until it seems like a better moment to interrupt. "Hey." 


"Hey! What's up?"


"Leareth had an artifact I can use! And have you read–" He gives the title of a fairly obscure history text that he thinks he saw her with at some point. 


"Flipped through it for Page, so I hope you want it for code and not for my insights on the subject matter."


"Yes, that, I'm mostly expecting Savil to be able to find it quickly and also I can specify it to her without actually saying the title, just to be stupidly paranoid. Er, I wrote up some messages of what I think I want to say to her - how hard is it for you to do them into the code on the fly though, if she has questions I haven't answered here?" 


"Page can do it easy if you explain me the code."


He explains the usual way the Heralds would set up a code in this case. 


And when given the desired message she can read it off encoded easy as pie.


That's so helpful! 


Savil is surprised but delighted to be contacted! She doesn't have an artifact and so casting the spell is tiring for her, so they can do it in short bursts back and forth with each message, also she needs three minutes to go dig up the book. 


Messages are exchanged! 

Vanyel promises that he's fine, well, a bit banged up but he's feeling better, yes he's eating enough and sleeping enough, Leareth literally nagged him to eat, she doesn't need to add any more.


She misses him and wants him to come home but is also concerned, it would be really really bad if the same thing happened again, it's not clear it would especially if he avoided the Web-room but still


He's worried too! It seems like they maybe need to not have a Heartstone in Haven. He's aware this is pretty fraught but he makes his points about the defensive element mattering less given Leareth, hellfires, he can probably get Leareth to build them a new ward system. 


She's also had that thought but what are they supposed to do. 


Talk to the Tayledras? 


Yes, she thought that too but it sounds - complicated. He's probably right that it's worth giving it a try anyway, she just isn't hopeful. The only other option would seem to be for Vanyel to shut it down, though, which sounds risky. She'll at least try this one first.

She gives him some updates on Haven. Cleanup is in progress. The room to Tarinda's workshop fell in, though, so her work is not especially intact and might not be worth trying to salvage. 


Probably not, she said she would catch up to where she'd been quickly, but he can ask her. 


"Yeah, don't bother."


 He relays this. How are the injured people doing? 


Everyone is recovering smoothly, now that they've got the House of Healing up and running properly again. The 'earthquake' only hit a small area, one mostly consisting of magically-reinforced buildings, so it's not as bad as it had seemed at first, the repairs will be a while but the worst of it is dealt with already. 


That's something. 


This is absolutely not Vanyel's fault. He knows that, right? 


She wants him to take care of himself and be careful and not come home until it's safe even though she badly misses him, and also she's getting tired and they should call it now. 

(She has a number of less consequential questions, such 'what's Leareth like in person', but that can wait until they're speaking in person and not via a draining communication-spell with messages she has to decode.) 

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