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Tarinda in Velgarth
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"Unfortunately, given - what we observed, in Haven - it is probably not." 


"Even if I'm up here and all that's being commercialized is lights and kitchen gadgets?"


"We could try, but I am some level of concerned about the safety of people who might purchase such items too." 




"The gods attempting to deny resources to you. Or simply being upset that people having better lighting is in itself shifting Foresight trajectories; I am not sure if it would but I am also not sure it would not." 


"They wouldn't let them have lighting?"


"I had a building implausibly collapse on me one time when I was trying to spread the use of a magical printing press. Separately the workshop also burned down." 


"- the printing press, why -"


"I do not entirely understand Their intentions. My theory is that it - would have increased the overall rate of innovation and thus change in a society, many more people than just myself would have been able to built faster on existing scholarship." 


"Are they all evil? There's lots, right?"


"There are many. Some are - worse than others, on this dimension. The gods of the Haighlei people to the far west are remarkably averse to change, their society is almost entirely static. The god of Valdemar, I think, is more permissive here than others, and usually would have territorial remit there, but putting a Heartstone in the centre of the capital gives the Star-Eyed more leeway, and she is - one of the worse culprits, in my opinion, though Vkandis is more heavy-handed. I have never been able to work unmolested in Her territories." 


"What is the Heartstone even for?"


"It provides a major boost to Valdemar's defensive capabilities, because it can act as an independent power source for the Web, a complex set of wards over the entire kingdom that the first King built eight hundred years ago. It is nearly impossible without that to directly attach a spell to a power source without a mage in the middle, and of course a Heartstone is hundreds of times more powerful than any individual mage." 


"Except when it starts attacking people. Then it subtracts some amount of mage from your supply."


"In fairness, I do not think they could have foreseen this even in principle, since it was not known to be possible, in addition to the Star-Eyed being apparently friendly toward Valdemar and Vanyel." Leareth's eyebrows lift slightly. "He has friends among the Tayledras - Her people, they taught him to create a Heartstone in the first place - and I suspect this turn of events could cause considerable awkwardness." 




Vanyel, maybe fortunately, isn't listening and seems to be most of the way asleep again. 


"In any case. Do you need anything else now, or should I go begin assembling your materials?" 


"I haven't had breakfast."


"Oh, then you should definitely have some breakfast. Would you like it brought here as well?" 


"Since Vanyel wants me to stay yeah."


Leareth nods and slips out. Shortly later, someone shows up with breakfast for her as well as the Healer who's switched off to sit with Vanyel, and a couple more people bring in a mattress. 


She breakfasts. She hums. She waits.


Vanyel wakes up spontaneously before Leareth returns, and seems less disoriented this time. He grimaces. "Tarinda?" 


"Hey. How are you feeling?"

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