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Tarinda in Velgarth
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"Mmm." He licks his lips. "Better than before, I think. Headache still." Grimace. "I'm thirsty." 


The Healer is right there with some water for him. 


"Do you remember the last time you woke up?"


"...Think so, I woke up and Leareth was there, scared me half out of my skin - you explained how I almost blew up Haven - then you were here for a while talking but I was falling asleep and I don't think I remember what you were talking about. Why?" 


"You were forgetting things more before."


"Oh, gods, that's embarrassing. Sorry. That happens sometimes when I get really bad backlash. I hope I didn't do anything too annoying this time." 


"No, no, it was just worrying, I'm not used to people having... medical problems of any kind."


"Oh. Right. I'm - sorry to scare you." He rubs his forehead. "Um, I remember you telling me what happened, in Haven, but - not how we ended up in Leareth's place? I'm sorry if you told me a different time and I forgot, I know it's obnoxious." 


"Since I'm just reading what Page tells me to say phonetically it's actually not much more tedious to say the same thing than different things," she says ruefully, and she repeats the summary.


"Huh. So he just - popped up with a Gate and rescued you? How in all hells did he know exactly where to go?" 


"He had spies there apparently? He was suspicious of Sanda's accident. You'd have to ask him for more details."


"It still seems weird that his spies would know where on the grounds you were in the middle of an earthquake! I guess I can ask him later." 


"I guess that's a good question. I wasn't exactly hiding, it could be a coincidence."


Vanyel looks pretty dubious of the suggestion that it could be a coincidence. He's distracted, though, when he tries to sit up properly and immediately groans. "Why do I still feel terrible. My entire body hurts." 


"I don't really know much about magical backlash but I broke one of your ribs getting you breathing."


:Also he was lying on a stone floor having convulsions for - gods, how long was it, I just remember Kellan trying to wake me: 


Tarinda repeats this for Yfandes and then says "Page says twelve and a half minutes."


The Healer gives her an alarmed look. "No wonder he arrived in such bad shape." 


"I guess that makes sense." Vanyel still seems ticked off about it. 


"I wish it had turned out to be simple for a Healer to re-type salve. Ugh."


Vanyel nods a bit impatiently, then winces again and reaches for his head. "Ugh, have to stop doing that. Do we have any idea what's going on in Haven now?" 


"Not yet."


Vanyel's brow furrows in concern. "It sounded like it might be really bad over there." 


"Leareth sent some people down to if nothing else freeze the casualties but - yeah, could be bad."


Shiver. "I guess when he's back I can ask if he's gotten reports from them. I feel so awful about it. Savil was there..." 

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