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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Tarinda thinks she should focus on getting better! Also if anybody wants to try injuring Tarinda a little and then watching how salve works she's game.


Dara will totally do this! (Need, being herself a Healer, is perhaps nudging her a little.) 


If they're doing it anyway, Shavri would like to watch too. 


Tarinda nicks herself in the hand. She's good as new in a minute and a half.


That's incredible! Shavri is so fascinated. It shows up to her Healing-Sight as something very bright and vibrant, and also weird, she's never seen anything quite like it in an ordinary human (or animal) body. 


"I can do that again if you want, I'm used to getting sliced a little in combat dance."


"Sure, I wouldn't mind watching it again." 


Tarinda demonstrates on various minor injuries, all fixed up pretty quickly.


Huh! Shavri watches raptly and thanks Tarinda for being so patient with injuring herself repeatedly for educational purposes. 


"I usually do it for entertainment purposes! It's no big deal."


Three days after the return letter to Leareth was delivered, a package is noted in the location. Careful efforts are made to retrieve it.


Oooh, presents. (Why is this going so SLOWLYYYY she doesn't say to anybody but her dictated letters to Cory that she murmurs to Page every evening.)


The package is retrieved! It does not explode! It proves to contain a shield-amulet of what Savil claims is exquisitely high quality, which does all the types of shielding requested including providing an air-bubble shield against types of magical accident that make the air unbreathable. 


"Ooh." Vanyel examines it. "He must like you. This is really nice." 


"Did we ask for the air part?" she wonders, putting it over her head.


"I don't recall listing it specifically but I guess it would follow from 'and your spells might explode and set things on fire'." 


"I guess! Well, hopefully Sandra won't spill anything else but if she does can I pull other people into the bubble with me?"


"Let me have a poke and see..." Savil tests the various layers of set-spell. "–Ah, this one. You should be able to feel the bubble, now, you can put your hand through it but it'll tingle a bit - it's not huge, you'd have to smush their face by your face, but it'd probably provide air for two people if you were fine with getting very cozy." 


"Good to know! I will not worry too much about coziness if there is no breathable air."


"Fair enough." 


Vanyel practices his magic. 

Melody has been attempting diagnostics with Savil and Shavri, and they think a big chunk of the problem is that his mind got very rusty during the month he was unconscious and the ensuing months when his channels were too fragile to risk using his Gifts at all. So he's practicing. A lot.

After a few weeks of sustained practice sessions in Savil's Work Room, she offers to take him to the Web-room. He definitely doesn't have the control back for distance casting, yet, he can barely manage a wobbly shield in front of his own face, but it'll let him observe and remember what motions he would be doing. 

(Also it's less boring for her.)

So he sits on the stone bench in the Web-focus room, in front of the enormous crystal focus that represents the physical core of the Web and the Heartstone that feeds it, and watches Savil with his still-kind-of-blurry mage-sight. 


Savil dives into the Web to investigate a village that was complaining of some sort of poorly specified problem with Changecreatures. 


Vanyel follows her in, not doing anything, just watching with his Othersenses. He can give her Farsight coverage and Thoughtsensing if she needs it, at least, that's kind of helpful...

His head feels sort of buzzy and weird. He tries to ignore it. 

Savil is casting trap-spells and the magic is irritatingly flickery against his mage-sight. 

His mage-sight is being annoying, too, it's sort of going in and out of focus, he's losing spots of it to weird oscillating spirals - he concentrates harder, ignoring the building headache, the odd crackly feeling in his skull -

- and then the sparkling black lightning-bursts fill everything and the world disappears. 


Savil is very focused on her work, or else she would have noticed a problem before the moment that Vanyel toppled from the bench, limbs going rigid and then spasming - she dives to catch him, but before she can reach him, a wave of uncontrolled mage-energies smashes her back into the wall. He's in the Web and - having some sort of fit, she can't tell what's wrong, only that this is really the worst timing he could possibly choose for it. 


She doesn't get to finish the cry for help, because a second accidental wall of blunt force slams her head into the bench and she crumples to the stone floor beside Vanyel, half-formed levinbolts flashing around the ceiling. 


Seconds later, the evening sky above Haven flashes. The ground is shaking. Random bursts of flame are coming from nowhere. Lightning smashes its way from a clear sky and strikes an outbuilding near the House of Healing, setting it ablaze. 

The earthquake intensifies, as the full energies of a captive Heartstone are accidentally and uncontrolledly harnessed. 

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