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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Tarinda, dancing on the shaking ground, grabs the nearest three injured people and sprints for the Companions' Field where nothing can fall on them.


Lightning is going wild hitting all the trees in Companions' Field so most of them are at this point on fire. 


Then she will drape her injured people over some random Companions who can keep them away from fires and go looking for more things she can do to help.


People are frantically running out of buildings - most of which are still standing, the Palace is very sturdy and well-built and maintained with a lot of magic, but windows are breaking and tiles are sliding down from roofs. A woman is trying to comfort some terrified children, both of whom are bleeding from cuts but don't look seriously hurt. 

"What's happening?" someone is shouting. "Are we under attack?" 


"It's an earthquake," says Tarinda, "- and a lightning storm? I don't know -" She knocks a tile away from its trajectory onto a person.


"Do the Heralds know?" 

      "I assume the Heralds know, it's not hard to notice!"

"Look, the Companions are right there." 

     "Herald Vanyel could do somethi–"

"This looks like magic! Why isn't he doing something?" 


"Don't know -" Is there a bucket, anywhere, to put out fires with - :Yfandes -:


(Yfandes is not findable and not answering. This is because she is currently unconscious in a heap in Companions' Stables after Vanyel accidentally whacked her when she tried to Mindspeak him.) 


:Tarinda? It's Kellan. Do you know what's happening? Savil started calling for help but now I can't reach her - I was asleep, I don't know where she was at the time. And Yfandes is unconscious for some reason. Do you have any idea where she and Van were tonight? I'm worried this is - this could be Leareth attacking us and maybe he went for them first–:


:Page overheard something about him practicing with Savil?:


:If they're in a Work Room or the Web-room they should be fine, it's really well shielded–:

A flaming tree, struck three times in a row by lightning, creaks and starts toppling toward both Tarinda and half a dozen other people who've fled into the field. 


Tarinda runs to where she will be able to catch a not-on-fire bit of tree so everyone else can run out of the way, then drops it.


Everything is sort of quiet for a few seconds. 

- and then the earth groans and opens under her feet, dumping her into a fast-growing crack. 


WHOA what the shit she parkours up and out of the crack.


Another tree, uprooted by the earthquake and also on fire, careens downward toward her head as she reaches the top. 


What the ACTUAL fuck. She can kick at the height of her head and she will do so.


The tree splinters and she's able to clamber past it. The ground is still shaking and the air still smells like electricity and half the Palace grounds are on fire, but things seem momentarily calmer. 


And then a glowing archway - very recognizably a Gate - snaps up from nowhere, not scaffolded on a doorway at all, about a dozen yards from her. 


Tarinda, very spooked by now, cartwheels in alarm away from the Gate and grabs a flaming tree branch to make up for her lack of sword.


A dark-haired man wearing black is standing on the other side. He sticks his head just far enough through to Mindspeak. :Are you Vanyel's friend who is trying to build a god: 


:Are you Leareth? More importantly are you causing lightning strikes and earthquakes?:


:Yes, I am Leareth, and no, I am not. I suspected interference at the first incident and had some discreet alarms placed. I am surprised you stayed in town after the first unlucky coincidence: 


:I don't really know what you're talking about:

:Hey Kellan, Leareth's here sticking his head through a gate and also a startling number of trees have tried to fall on me and the earth opened under my feet:


:What! Is he trying to kill you?: 


:He says he's not responsible but Page is only 86% on lie detection, he's not big on microexpressions:

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