elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"I did mention birth defects as a thing that happens if you irradiate the planet? Are flippers, in particular, especially horrifying -?"


<Will people choose to carry a pregnancy to term if it will result in a deformed child?>


"Well, they wouldn't always know, it's only the developed countries where ultrasounds are routine and they don't catch everything, although they'd probably catch flippers. Lots of people have principled objections to abortion no matter what, too, or just wouldn't see some or all possible deformities as enough reason to have one."



<That is a cultural difference.>


"...okay, well, so you're aware, irradiating the planet will in fact cause lots of kids to in fact be born with various birth defects both expected and un-, and people will be upset about that but not consistently in a way that leads to long lines at the abortion clinics."


<It is not a fate as terrible as being Yeerked> he says firmly, and there is a murmur of agreement.


"Yeah, we've invented all kinds of cool stuff like the wheelchair and if it's really bothering the kids who wind up with survivable defects and we're in everyone-gets-morph-utopia then when they're a little older they can pick a healthy friend to be identical twins with or something."


The Andalites relax slightly. <Yes, they will have the option of becoming nothlit. That will help.>


"Wow, what did Andalites even do before morph tech, it's probably kinda hard to put a centaur in a wheelchair?"



<Those who are deformed or otherwise unable to function properly live alone where they need not live in shame.>


<As Finleran observed, a cultural difference.>




Bella looks about to say something, then shakes her head.


And the Andalites go back to collecting what is known about the Pool ship and the security measures that will probably be in place surrounding it.


Bella does not derail this discussion. She waves Andi silent when Andi looks about to.


There will probably be Gleet bio-filters in the airlocks, which means they can go in human or Yeerk, and there are probably passwords to account for.


Did they ever figure out how a biofilter would hypothetically react to a tapeworm?


No. It would be useful to steal one to test, if they could somehow pull that off.


Might be one at the DC pool now that they know to worry...


<The problem is that if you test it by going through with someone morphed tapeworm, and that does not count, it will kill them.>


"The question isn't so much tapeworms as whether being surrounded by an approved organism counts. That we can test with an animal morphed human and a bug trapped in its mouth."


<Can you get an animal morphed human through the biofilter without attracting Yeerk attention?>


"Good question, probably not. I suppose we could also just actually walk through with bugs in our mouths. Although then we're, you know, in the pool not particularly disguised..."


"Are we like really sure shrinking works okay with the filter because I could be very small and still maybe fit a bug in my mouth, I mean, ew, but still."


<Shrinking should work with the filter but it has never been attempted before.>

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