elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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The Yeerk starves. They manage to get forty rabbits to acquire it before it's not sufficiently recently dead, and four Yeerk-rabbits.


Which must then be kept stunned so they don't demorph, and isn't enough for really good controlled unconfounded studies, but it's something.

This human could be mistaken for braindead if he didn't blink. He's not really up to talking about how he came to be a Controller or anything.


...that's discouraging. Is it the radiation poisoning, because if they have to do it to brain-damage levels...


Seems psychological? Probably? They can get monosyllables out of him if they're annoying enough. He doesn't want to eat.


If he wants to die they can do that quicker than starvation would.


He seems indifferent to the question.


How sure are they it's not brain damage.


...well, he's also indifferent to the question of whether a Leeran may read him.


Then a Leeran will read him. 


It's almost certainly not brain damage! He is just really really shellshocked and depressed.


That is good news. They'll give him some time to see if he gets any better. The Andalites mostly feel it would be kinder to kill him, but they do not act on that opinion yet.


He'll start eating things when it's been a week and he's really hungry, as long as they are not particularly complicated to eat.

Coffee Intern is crying less by this point. She's bored.


She can tell them anything she knows about Yeerk operations in DC?


Sure. It's not a ton, and half the messages she passed around were coded and she couldn't keep the codes straight, but here's what she's got.


This is confirmation that the Yeerks are the drivers of the conscription-and-invasion plan. The Yeerks are planning to infest those countries through open force, infest the whole US military, and go from there.


Yes. That seems to sum it up.


The animals-morphed-Yeerks do not have any convenient allergies to cinnamon or any of the other several hundred substances tested.


<We could destroy the DC pool, delay them again...>


"They can't be planning to infest the entire military out of one pool. There must be more by now. Probably some in bases in the Middle East too."


<They came into this prepared, they have been here ten years already...>


"They were moving really conservatively, taking their time, but now they're all panicked -"


<Probably wanted to get all six billion hosts, a war is going to kill a lot of people and a peaceful takeover would have killed practically none ->


"Yeah. Not like there was world peace before they showed up but yeah."


<If we can take out the Yeerk ships in orbit simultaneously Matirin intends to give all humans morphing. The casualties from cancer would be minimal and they'd have the ability to heal themselves, overall human mortality should fall substantially.>

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