elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Yeah. I just keep picturing the scenario where something else goes wrong and we can't do that."


"Did anybody tell you about the one Yeerk who wanted to be a bearded vulture?"


"Caught a family of Controllers. Matirin told one of the Yeerks that if it cooperated it could go into hibernation for a while and then get stuck in a form of its choice and it wanted to be a vulture, didn't remember the name of the species just that it ate bones and was pink, I looked it up later."



<Maybe someday we can offer the choice to some Yeerks.>


"That'd be nice. I just kind of think about it a lot because as long as I can remember that I wish it'd gotten to be a vulture like it wanted I don't collapse into total irrational genocidal Yeerk-hatred just because they seem specifically designed as a species to be abhorrent."


<I would not characterize hating Yeerks as irrational, but I can imagine the benefits, there...>


"I mean, I hate Yeerks but I don't want to hate them all individually, does that make sense? Some of them just want to be vultures and that one's particular job description was mostly 'prevent spousal abuse' and -"


<And if we had given them different technology, when we met them - I noticed how you felt about that ->


"It hadn't been invented yet. But if I was a slug I'd want eyes and hands too, and I wouldn't steal them but that's me, I'm not typical for my species either, lots of people just really suck and just don't happen to be able to slither into people's ears."


<I would like to think most people do not suck that much. It is - not something you can deceive yourself about.>


<You can live your life in ignorance of, or while contributing to, the suffering of many others, and many people do that. But they do not usually have to be constantly confronted with the experiences and the suffering and the pain of the person they are harming. Yeerks do.>


<We just need to plan the operation very very precisely, make sure we get it right...>


"...hope they don't have any capabilities we don't know about, expect the ability to distribute morph tech to go unimpeded by your government back home or any Earthlings who take exception to Operation Global Fallout, cross our fingers that Yeerks elsewhere in the galaxy don't pop over to see what's going on and throw a wrench into everything -"


<If we control the Blade ship the last one ceases to be a problem. Possibly also the second, depending how thoroughly Matirin is willing to make this leap of his. The others - yes. It should probably be treated as an operation that in expectation kills a hundred million civilians.>


<I am sorry we did not get here sooner.>


"It's not your fault."


Sigh. <Well, I could take it out on the people responsible but even if they were not already dead - by the end of this we will have more than enough blood on our hands. I could have - could have seen it coming, been more careful ->


"I would have a serious problem with the people responsible if they were still alive to have a problem with - people wanted to come help me and were piecemeal killed and delayed because of that stupid fucking black hole stunt -"


<Yes. We - 


 - yes. I was anticipating I would have to work with him and I was not looking forward to it. I am not glad he is dead, because he - might have pulled a miracle out of nowhere, somehow, but - 

 - I am just glad Matirin did not know ->


"Matirin could have had, like, a little bit of leeway for saving my dad, but I'm not sure it'd add up to 'lethally fucking with people who wanted to come and help' amounts of leeway so - yeah."

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