elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Well, the problem is, if you decide they have used all their leeway, then what? They are still here and necessary to work with ->


"Oh, it wouldn't necessarily have made any practical difference although if I'd known it from the get-go I probably would have made a substantially less appealing how-about-I-explain-you-humans prospect."


Sigh. <I keep wondering if, if we had all arrived together, we could have handled the fight for the star system...>


"Wouldn't know," she murmurs. "I don't know anything about how that went as it is."


<I have not asked, it not being a very productive line of inquiry. And also presumably a painful one.>


<The argument> Matirin says the next day, <for advance surveillance of the Pool and Blade ships is that it is otherwise vanishingly unlikely we will be able to pull off anything complicated simultaneous with an operation on Earth. The argument against is that we can probably only pull it off once.>


"And probably not for very long, either. Pulling off simultaneity probably requires Andalites in particular being up there unless there's a way to know in advance they have clocks all over the place."


<I do not think it is realistic to expect anyone going up there will be able to make it back down.>


<We can do that first and then proceed with irradiating the Earth only if the operation is successful. But if we are likely to conclude that we ought to irradiate the Earth regardless of the outcome of the attempt to wrest control of their ships, then both ought to be done simultaneously.>


"If we don't get the ships can't they just come down again and reestablish when things are less irradiated?"


<Things should be excessively irradiated for several years, and by then the main fleet will have arrived.>


"Are the Yeerks expecting reinforcements too? Is it possible they have enough collaborators to make substantial trouble even if there are no Yeerks on Earth proper?"


<I do not know if the Yeerks are expecting reinforcements; my tentative guess would be that reinforcements are less likely if there are no human hosts and an uninhabitable planet. What sort of trouble could a devoted collaborator make? ...if all goes well enough we would be handing out morphing, what does that change regarding how much trouble a collaborator could make?>


"Collaborators could try to get people into space to rendezvous with the Yeerks or figure out some kind of radiation shielding or cleanup to let them land in some places. Could make any interfacing with governments difficult, either by being in the government or by yanking popular support and opposition around. Any situation where they get close enough to the Yeerks to be infested gives them more morph-capable hosts, if they can morph."


<So> says Nerefir, <we do not give them morphing.>


<I do not object to making morphing of ex-Controllers conditional on enough mind-reading to establish they are not working for the Yeerks, but I would not have time. We would have to give over six billion people morphing within two years for the consequences of that level of exposure to be forestalled, that is hundreds of thousands of people a day, I can do it with competent local organization to move the people through but I cannot do it while verifying them at all.>


"And they need to actually keep the capability, don't they, if things are going to keep on being radioactive... How do small children take to being morph-capable, do we know anything about that. Will morphing solve birth defects from radiation effects on gametes or early stage embryos. Can pregnant people morph."


<Pregnant people can morph safely. Well, pregnant Andalites can, I suppose it should be checked with humans. Morphing does not solve birth defects. It is illegal to give out the ability to anyone underage, back home, barring medical emergency, and I do not think it has ever been given out to small children.>


"So even in the best case scenario we're looking at a generation of fucked-up kids. That'll affect the ability to get local coordination handled even if the Yeerks are like 'okay bye'..."


Tail-lash. <Perhaps lower doses for longer periods of time would achieve the same effect without the same problems.>


"It'll affect the statistical rates but it wouldn't be as dramatic... maybe."


<Causing lots of deaths is not any better if the deaths are only statistically perceptible.>


<You don't say. But it gives us more time...>

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