elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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That underlying difference becomes apparent pretty quickly during the strategic discussion. Nerefir does not want to commit any war crimes. This is, as reasons for obstructionism go, a very comprehensible one. But.




They could try to get to the Pool ship. They could try to arm some human society well enough to launch into space and contest the Yeerks from there. They could try negotiating with the Yeerks. There was apparently a Yeerk resistance, possibly, at least a rumored one; they could try learning about, and working with, that. They could deploy biological weapons that stop every human heartbeat on the planet. (They do not have a similar weapon that works on Yeerks; the transmission vectors are more complicated.)


It seems yet premature to Bella to wipe out the entire population of the Earth but it's sort of nice to know that if it comes to that they can just render it unsuitable for host harvesting and not have to obliterate absolutely everything on it. Finding Yeerks who belong to a resistance movement sounds hard and it's possible they'd resent the terrorism whatever their differences with their own command but it appeals to the part of Bella that wishes Andalites had met Yeerks after developing morph tech so that the Yeerks could get their eyes their hands their wings their whatever they wanted some other way, any other way - she's restrained to the point of obliqueness expressing that. Negotiating with the Yeerks seems likely to involve either working in likely-detectable bad faith or letting the Yeerks run off with a bunch of hosts. A human society equipped to fight back seems - promising. It would be particularly promising if it turned out you could detect a Yeerk on an MRI or something.


Well, that they can test. He makes a note of it. 


Other strategies -


Could they get a biofilter and hedge Yeerks out of places, that seems like it might be useful if they could do that.


The Andalites hesitate for an embarrassingly long time before admitting that the bio-filter is Yeerk technology they don't know how to make. They could probably reverse-engineer it given enough time but it might take a lot of time.


Okay. ...how are they going to test "detect Yeerks with MRIs"?


They would need someone to volunteer to have a Yeerk in their heads. It is plausible there is someone in Australia who would agree to that test.


Plausible, yeah. Humans in all their six billion variety.

Australia's not a huge manufacturing power. They might want China for that if they're going to try having humans do a tech leap.


Language barrier is back for their human consultants, and they'd have to check whether there were Controllers around all over again. What's the relative size of the manufacturing bases? He makes a note to check this when they are back on the internet.


Are there other options.



Yeerks are little and the low biodiversity of non-Earth planets in comparison to Earth suggests that Earth creatures might be used to high-ish radiation doses. Radiation therapy the planet. Especially if the Pool ship is likely in orbit.




This will give an awful lot of humans cancer, so it is probably a good idea to test whether it does anything first, but they cannot exactly take a Yeerk alive. They start running simulations of the numbers. 



The Pool ship is in orbit but will have radiation shielding because space is full of radiation; they would have to disrupt those, possibly in some kind of simultaneous attack so the Yeerks do not figure out how to protect against this.


...why is it they can't take a Yeerk alive? They'd have to find a Controller but from there...


They can't get the Yeerk out of the Controller save by starving it. Irradiating it within the Controller would work. 


Bella and Andi can go back to the United States to find a Controller for them.


They go. They look. The Yeerks still don't know - or at least probably don't know - that the Andalites recruited humans; they can hide between the spaces where Andalites would be forced to be obvious, follow Secret Service agents, find the entrance to the pool, find somebody else incidental who makes similar trips...


Here is a White House intern, mid-twenties, drinks like ten cups of coffee a day, hits the Yeerk pool after the gym three times a week. 


And shortly after the Yeerk is fed this person can be stunned, tied up, put in a box with airholes and propped on a dolly, ferried to the airport in a U-Haul rented with the use of her own appropriated driver's license and form, loaded onto the plane where their useful uncurious charter pilot is, and supervised by twins in rotations and periodically re-stunned (if something goes wrong this Controller will not be the one spilling the beans about human recruits) and then they can hike the box out to the Dome.


Where they run the MRI test, first - yep, Yeerks are detectable - and then will irradiate the Yeerk and see what happens. 


At safe-for-humans doses nothing happens. 


At this-human-will-get-cancer-someday doses nothing seems to happen, but it might just take more than three days to take effect. 


<I can test higher doses, give the Controller morphing technology afterwards...>


"Well, we don't know what the disposition of this particular human might be, but having it as an option's nice..."


They try higher doses. They keep the Controller stunned.


<I think this will just take more than three days to work, if it does work at all> he says reluctantly when they are at the edge of what will cause acute radiation poisoning in humans.


<We can still test it. Find a Yeerk back in DC, irradiate them at night for a week...>


Bella evaluates the portability of the radiation equipment.


It is like a dentist's x-ray machine. (They do not actually have anything they could use to irradiate the whole planet nice and evenly; they could either detonate a lot of nuclear bombs in the right point in the atmosphere or they could spend time developing something better.)

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