elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Unlikely they'd chance it - if a person was woken in the middle of the night by a phone call or a problem - which probably occurs frequently with important humans - they would wake up free of their Yeerk.


Might be able to work around that somehow by having two or more members of each household infested... do Yeerk weapons have a stun setting?


They do.


So if there were someone to cover for the unwakeability of an empty host that would do it.


They'll check the Prime Minister and his security detail, then. Exhaustively. Better to get this right.


Yeah. No good checking somebody by Yeerk morph only for their own genuine Yeerk to return at four a.m. and tuck itself back in.


That'd be easy to notice, if it's what the Yeerks are doing. But it doesn't seem especially likely.


It'd still require a lot of sitting and watching and would make for less of a time savings, albeit not none. - Also wouldn't necessarily catch voluntary hosts, who might outright get breaks -.


The Andalites are appalled at the existence of voluntary hosts and shuffle uncomfortably a while.


Yes well they've met some it's awkward but they exist. Humans in all their six billion's worth variety, and all.


Does not really change too many strategic calculations. How many people are they going to need to verify?


A few dozen, maybe more depending on how they want to define "plausible the prime minister would call upon in an emergency".


Well, they have three times the forces they had in Washington. They can do it in teams of three or so.


Yep. Might want some more local species to morph so nobody's inclined to swat the flies or bewildered at the persistence of the seagulls.


So they start researching species native to Australia.


There's a locally appropriate sort of pigeon, and pardalotes and magpies and some members of the parrot family, and a few kinds of flies, although the housefly morph will actually pass muster just fine if they mean to stay out of swatter range.


They much prefer not to be swatted. Local morphs are acquired.


And local politicians are watched.


It is exhausting. The Andalites can only morph so much, and have to get to and from the city somehow. Houseflies are an unpleasant morph, and disorienting to spend all day in. There are a few close calls, there are a few humans who see them and have to be made to forget them.


The Australian government does not seem to be full of Controllers.



One day Bella asks - "Would it be possible to have a Yeerk and not know it. If it didn't do anything."


"...yes, for up to three days, but the Yeerks would not have much reason to do that - unless they saw in the host's mind that Leeran morphs could be expected to get involved -"


"No, there is a reason to do that. If they do that the Yeerk can leave, for longer than three days if it likes, and the host won't tell a soul or act funny."


<...good point. Yes. They could do that.>


"And they can probably guess how we figured out the President was not himself a Controller."


<At least to the level of granularity of 'followed him around all the time'.>

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