elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<And if we do it cleverly the Yeerks might notice we are involved.>


"Yeah. The publicly-contactable arm of the armed forces would be the recruitment offices."


<I am very concerned that this ends exactly like the last effort at formal channels of communication.>


"...when did you try formal channels of communication with anybody?"


<...the catastrophe in Washington?>


"Turning into an insect and thoughtspeaking the President is not a formal channel of communication. It is distinctly informal."


<It is an effort to contact authorities, and this one seems open to failing in all the same ways. Do the Australians know where American ships are?>


"Might know where some of them are; Australia and America are friendly."


<Then trying here where we have already confirmed everyone is not a Yeerk seems safer.>


Australia, too, has a navy. The Australian navy sometimes does joint exercises with the American one. An Australian naval ship returning from these exercises can be found; they can match the ranking admiral to the picture on his Wikipedia page. 


They follow him to make sure he goes straight home. He does. Nice house with a view of the ocean; security system not meant for determined gnats. When the admiral comes down for breakfast he is standing in the living room, in morph.


Half an hour of explaining commences. At the end of which the admiral wants to tell his commander, can they check whether his commander is Yeerked, and the Prime Minister, who he is relieved to hear is not Yeerked. He will consider telling the Andalites how to find American ships. 


He leaves. A spy stays on the wall in gnat form.


The admiral paces, and has a glass of something alcoholic, and then calls up a friend and invites him over for golf. 

(The gnat demorphs.)


And they wait to get an email.


The email asks him to come to another meeting. He declines to come to another meeting; if they were Yeerks, that would present them with a chance to take him alive, which is not a tolerable risk. It is possible they might be Yeerks without their knowledge; he expands on that. It is also possible they'd be Yeerked in the time before a meeting. He will send them tech guidelines, over email, nothing Yeerks do not already know. 


And can they tell him how to find the American boats, because the Andalites are trying to prevent a few innocent countries from getting invaded over their anti-Yeerk sabotage operations in the United States.


They will consider it.


(Nerefir is quietly furious at the prospect of giving humans Z-space and other modern technology, and Matirin tells him that he will happily hand himself over for a war crimes trial after the war is over.)

Matirin runs all this by Bella for Advice On Humans. 


They probably have to check with the Americans before giving out American classified information, and the Americans won't have seen a person inexplicably in their living room; it'll slow them down. Hopefully they know the meaning of infosec and have applied it to the situation of "Yeerks exist". Technically they don't have to talk directly to the American armed forces to claim responsibility for the explosions insofar as this claiming helps; the Australians could do that for them...


<And does that help, or does it make it much less likely we will achieve the possibility of cooperation?>


Bella does not know. They're kind of out of her depth. She's a high school dropout, not a political scientist.


And Andalite polities run differently. 

Before they get an answer from the Australians, the news reports that the United States has reimplemented the draft and is invading three different Middle Eastern countries suspected to be responsible for the terrorist attacks. The referenda float through Congress with near-total support. 


<I think it is at this point perhaps unwise to try to work with the U.S. government> he observes as they watch the vote.


<It seems likely they will be using those countries for mass infestation. We can go there and sabotage, at least, slow it down, but that is not a win condition.>


"And me and Andi don't speak any of the local languages."


<How long would it take you to acquire a working knowledge of them?>


"Supposedly with really intensive immersion training it can be done in like a few months but I think that might be without any other languages used at all - including my notetaking or to talk to each other or to keep in touch with you -"


<Not very feasible>  he agrees. <Perhaps we should sit down with Nerefir and talk through all possible courses of action that actually lead to victory in this war, instead of satisfying delays that do not seem to deter the Yeerks from deploying further resources.>


"...am I missing subtext?"


<If I cannot think of a path to achieve more than temporary delays, we should probably be devoting our resources to evacuation rather than that.>


She rather meant subtext about some underlying disagreement between him and Nerefir about Yeerk-delaying-tactics but okay. "Right."

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