elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Okay. We're less useful in the Middle East not speaking the language and passing as tourists is impractical with a war on. We go to DC and lower-dose irradiate another Controller and try to find the whereabouts of some Middle East pools to send you?"


<That seems advisable.>


So Bella sets another time with the charter pilot, deflects his light remarks about there sure being a lot of business travel to D.C. she needs done, plans to leave in the morning.


Good luck.



They and their adjusted dose irradiator and shredder and Plane Stuff travel back to D.C. They pick out somebody who can be conveniently zapped. They zap 'em.


After two weeks the person is sick in the morning and stays home from work.


And it doesn't look like they have an actual cold or anything so they can then be kidnapped.


And their charter pilot tells them that all flights out of D.C. have been shut down for the day due to another terror threat.


...ah. That's... inconvenient. Just for the day?


He doesn't know. They're checking paperwork and passengers and so on - good thing the eccentric billionaire's not along, they would not be okay with his preference not to be looked at...


Probably not, no. Uh... Bella apologizes for the delay in the pilot's return home and suggests he go check out tourist stuff in Philly while he can't get anywhere in his plane.

The twins drive a U-Haul to North Carolina with their kidnap victim stunned in the back. They're not going to be able to stow away with him but maybe if the Yeerk dies...


The Yeerk does not die that day.


Dammit, Yeerk.

They get to within spitting distance of the Raleigh airport and Bella sends Andi to find them a flight to stow away on and Bella drives to the middle of nowhere and makes sure the kidnapping victim is good and tied up and morphs Andalite and waits for him to wake.


Which he does, blinking with confusion only for a second. Then his eyes settle on Bella and he goes very still.


<Hello. It would be mildly inconvenient to kill you. Do you suppose it likely we can come to a more agreeable arrangement?>


"Do you have a Kandrona generator? Because if not I am just choosing my death."


<I do not have a Kandrona generator. I do have a morph cube.>




"I don't believe you."


<I don't have it here, Yeerk. But if you are exquisitely cooperative and better had alive than dead, you can reach it before you starve.>


"Do you have any idea how many of my people you have murdered? Is this the offer you made to learn the locations of the generators? Are there other morphed Yeerks walking around to testify you keep your word?"


<You have nothing but my word to go on. You may go on it or not.>


"What do you want."


<To avoid the inconvenience of killing you, particularly in your host. But I do not plan to let you waste more of my time than this is worth to me, which is not much.>


Squint. "I am more than happy to not inconvenience you by being murdered."


Bella holds an opaque water bottle to the host's ear.

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