elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"She didn't ask it what it wanted to be, something about how it'd have been bad if all the options were stuff that lives in Australia and then something happened? Bird's maybe a good guess? If it really hates being a bird it can say so while it's a bird."


<Birds have a lot of mobility, though - something that has to stay here in the Dome would be safest - or something that has to stay in the water...>


<If there is any chance it can reach and contact other Yeerks we cannot chance it. But we do need cooperating Yeerks for the Pool ship plan - we could have it morph human for that ->


"I guess it could get a pretty decently new face between me and Bella and the couple ex-hosts?"


<And a human is easy to control if things go wrong.>


"Wow that wasn't creepy at all."


<Bird can slip out of the dome and go find its friends. Any Yeerk can thoughtspeak-broadcast constantly in the hopes someone will come within range, come investigate us, and cause problems. This is a risk.>


"Yeah. She was mostly doing it for the host and figured if it was too much of a risk we could just kill the Yeerk but she had to decide whether to be able to not do that or not right then?"


<I think she made a very reasonable decision and am now considering whether I can do it. I would not consider it if this were not an element of one of our plans to reach the Pool ship.>


And eventually - <I am going to let the Yeerk be a human. I would like you two to be outside the Dome when I do - it can blend the morph between the other two - and if starts broadcasting anything it will have to broadcast at everyone it hasn't seen or everyone outside the Dome and you will be able to notice it doing this so we can kill it.>



And Andi relays this when Bella and her bottle of Yeerk show up.


Bella nods and hands over the bottled Yeerk.


And bottled Yeerk can be held against the morphing cube and then brushed against Coffee Intern and then permitted to morph her. <Hello> he says. <We would like you to acquire the other human, create a blended morph -> and he describes how this is done - <and then stay in human morph for two hours. If you do not try to escape or harm anyone here, you will not be killed.>


The Yeerk does that.


The Yeerk says <Hello, anybody? Anybody? Don't come near me if you hear this. I'm a prisoner of ->


Bella morphs her sister. <It's calling for help.>


Now it is not because it is dead. 


<Thank you.>


Bella goes back in. "Mm-hm."


<You saved the host. That is a good achievement.>


"Assuming he didn't con me, yeah." Sigh.


<It will probably be challenging to find Yeerks who will cooperate with our scheme to destroy the Pool ship.>


<We - could do it without cooperation.>



"That is technically feasible."

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