elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Right. Just 'cure for cancer' for now, then.


Cure for cancer, travel the stars, be able to defend yourselves from scary Yeerks.


Someone should morph a Yeerk for the videos.


Just as a visual aid? Bella can do that.


Sure! He can record the videos with Bella swimming around in a goldfish bowl on the ship control board in front of him. <I will have to be human for the message recording; what sort of human form is suitable?>


"Your generic from earlier is fine... maybe go a little darker in the skin tone for some ethnic ambiguity if everybody's getting the same video? Are you doing multiple languages?"


<We should do as many languages as we can.>


"Then insofar as you can you might want to look like the sort of person who mostly speaks each language. Actually, maybe go ahead and use the excessively pretty redhead morph for English and northern European languages."



He starts as an Andalite, transforms before the camera. "Humans," he says. "I am Matirin-Ashal-Nelinfir. I am an Andalite, and you are not alone in the universe."

Yeerks exist - here is one - and they attempted to infiltrate Earth and make everyone their slaves, trapped in their own heads while their bodies go on to enslave more species. But Yeerks are not as tough as humans, and so with the help of Earth's governments -in the English recording he mostly credits the Australians - they have discovered a way to make the planet uninhabitable. This involves detonating a lot of nuclear bombs in the upper atmosphere, which they have now done. They tested extensively; the Yeerks are dying in droves. And now they can give humans the means to travel faster than light, and a cure to the cancer that would otherwise result from the radiation, and the means to defend themselves against any other aliens who would enslave them. 


Bella swims circles in her goldfish bowl. It's not super comfortable. She can hear but isn't thrilled about being blind.


And then she can watch the video and give feedback.


"You should assume that all the governments will get ahold of translations of everything you said so maybe don't lean too hard on crediting the Australians just because you're speaking English or anything."


<It seems like they will have more pressing priorities, and we thought it would go over badly if I explained that China is now the world's superpower. But I can make some edits.>


"Yeah, not a huge deal. It's pretty good as-is, I think."


Then there'll be twenty more of them. He does not make Bella be an example Yeerk for all of them.


They can probably just reuse the footage of her swimming around in the bowl, can't they? Fancy alien video editing?


They could, but they want the videos to appear unedited in case people are suspiciously picking them apart, which they probably will be.


Okay. People can take turns being Yeerks then.


And then everybody can go to China. (Not everybody. Some people are staying back just in case.)


Are the twins more useful hither or thither?


To China with the twins! They are likely to be faster at noticing cultural things and are still the only ones who can morph direct from human.



He half-expects they are walking into a trap. They aren't.


Well, they don't speak Chinese, but it turns out a lot of Chinese people speak English for the benefit of the aliens' human aides.


The Chinese government wants to see the Andalites demorph. An Andalite demorphs. Eight more Andalites are around in tiny morphs ready to intervene if this turns out to be a catastrophe. 


The Chinese government also wants to do the detonating of the nuclear weapons in the upper atmosphere themselves, which is both reasonable and actually more convenient.


As long as they can do it to spec, yes.


There are not that many ways to set off 10,000 megatons of fission bombs.



They wait. They watch. And they send their videos.



The Yeerks still in orbit could blow up the planet, or China, or something like that. They do not, at least not immediately. Perhaps they are sending to their superiors for advice; perhaps Visser Three is throwing an extended tantrum, perhaps they are trying to figure out if the conquest of Earth is still salvageable. If it is, it has been put on hold by five, six years minimum, and the Andalites are prepared to advise the humans to keep their planet nice and irradiated while the Yeerks lurk in orbit.


Another possibility is that the Yeerks are waiting for a chance to steal an Escafil device. He does not annouce that they have one, yet, but there are ways it could have been guessed.

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