elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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No, they can read minds and distinguish. Where.


How can they verify that they're honest?


He asks Bella for advice at this stage.


"...well that's a tough one. Especially since you just told them you can read minds."


<There is no other viable way to distinguish between resistance and non- Yeerks.>


"You could have asked if this person's Yeerk had friends who are still alive and then gone off what they said, or something. This looks computer translated, I wonder what language it used to be in."


<Paranoid.> He sounds approving.


"Yeah. Maybe see if they'll talk to Helen? Although I can't guarantee they'll like what she has to say."


He suggests it in an email.


They're willing to talk to Helen.


It is probably unsafe to fly to Montana; he gets in touch with the Montana contingent. He gives Helen the person's email.


Neither Helen nor Mystery Person updates him for a few days.


Well. There are still Yeerks out there somewhere; how else can they be found? He has people discreetly go ask former hosts to check on the pools they visited.


All those pools are dead.


Well, talk to more former hosts, please.


They don't find anything.

Mystery person emails. Mystery person wants to know EXACTLY what the Andalites will do if they tell them how to find the place.


The Andalites will go to the place, make a thought-speech announcement that they would like to work with cooperative Yeerks but will need to verify cooperativeness, will invite Yeerks willing to have their mind read to come to a specific edge of the pool to be within the three-meter radius of the mindreading, and if any Yeerks take them up on this will then discuss with that Yeerk how to less invasively identify Yeerks that can be cooperated with. 


Then they will figure out how to get the Yeerks voluntary hosts without catching the attention of the Yeerks currently in orbit, who might retaliate. 


He runs this by Bella.


"There might be some hosted Yeerks around defending the place," Bella says. "Depending on exactly how these ones are alive."


He adds that if there are hosts defending the place and the anonymous source does not know how to defuse that, the Andalites will stun them and permit their Yeerks to join others in the pool.



Anonymous source is tentatively okay with this but would be more comfortable if there were some collateral available if the Andalites don't follow through.


He can't think of anything. He asks Bella for suggestions. He can confirm publicly that he interacted with this email address, and then if he fails to follow through the whole world will know not to trust Andalites?


"If the operation doesn't go well and they decide that's a betrayal..."


<Then we publish the emails and everyone can decide what to believe.>


"I don't think you can quite absorb the controversy at this stage. Haven't even cured cancer yet."


<All right. What do you suggest?>

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