elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Humanity freaks the fuck out. A moderate fraction of teenage girls and relevantly similar demographics is distracted by how pretty Matirin's morph is but mostly people freak out.


Matirin will spend most of his time in pretty morph answering questions! From an undisclosed location, because the Yeerks seem likely to come after them if they possibly can. 


Luckily China is really big. It has plenty of undisclosed location in it.

People want to know why Yeerks want human hosts and not shapeshifting blue alien centaur hosts. People want to know how the shapeshifting interacts with conservation of mass. People want to know how long Yeerks have been here, and how long Andalites have been here. People want to know the diplomatic status of various political units wrt Andalites. People want to know if Matirin is single. People want to know how many Andalites are here. People want to know what cool technology the Andalites have besides a cure for cancer. People want to know how the cure for cancer works. People want to know if shapeshifting hurts, it looks like it hurts. People want to know who the Yeerk in the goldfish bowl is and how they got it. People want to know what pronouns to use for aliens, for journalistic purposes. People want to know why Matirin did not deliver a speech in [insert obscure language with 400 living speakers here]. People want to know how to tell if their loved ones contain Yeerks. People want to know what other kinds of aliens there are. People want to know if Andalites are soft. People want to know how Andalites eat since they don't have mouths. People want to know how they can be sure this isn't a coverup for China having just decided to irradiate the Earth for no reason. People want to know how this is going to affect their unborn or future children. People want to know if Matirin will come on their show and be interviewed on it.


Yeerks would love shapeshifting blue alien centaur hosts but the shapeshifting blue alien centaurs have better tech than humans and can fight Yeerks off. Which they are now going to teach humans how to do, as well! The extra mass goes into, or is grabbed from, z-space. Yeerks seem to have been here for ten years, in secret, and the Andalites for seven months now. He is here in a military role not an ambassadorial one and cannot ratify treaties with human governments (the real reason for this is that he is going to be tried for war crimes and for idiocy on a scale that makes Seerow look amateur). 

Matirin is attracted to shapeshifting blue alien centaurs, sorry everyone who is not one of those. The number of Andalites here is a secret for now. Andalites have FTL and ships that can stop Yeerks and a cure for cancer that is currently in development in human laboratories and some mathematical proofs he will share with the humans if they want but some species like to develop that sort of nonessential stuff at their own pace instead of cheating. 

Shapeshifting does not hurt. Matirin lists every kind of alien he knows. Matirin will come on their shows and be interviewed once all the Yeerks are dead. Their future children will probably be okay but if they are stressed about it they can go live on the Moon or Mars or somewhere. Their unborn children...well, they will not be slaves of the Yeerks. 


Matirin asks Bella what pronouns to use. Matirin asks Bella if he is soft. 


"...I have no idea if you're soft, I haven't petted you."


<Is that necessary to answer the question? It does not have an objective definition?>


"Not that I'm aware of."


<Fine. Do you mind evaluating whether I am soft?>


"You will have to tell me where it would not be weird to pet you, but sure."


<It would not be weird to pet me. Unless you tried to pet the front of my neck or my underbelly or something and those seem not the intuitive places to pet.>


"Okay." So she pets his back. "You are pretty soft but not as soft as a rabbit."


<I will tell the humans. They also wanted to know what pronouns to use for aliens. I was unsure if there was some social context I should have to answer that.>


"Probably wondering how to use human-gendered pronouns for aliens. Assuming Andalites are as I understand them you can tell them that Andalites have an analogous gender binary to humans, and assuming Yeerks are as I understand them - I've been using 'it' but some of the ex-hosts called theirs by host gender? Maybe 'Yeerks do not have genders on their own but do become accustomed to sharing pronouns with their hosts'?"


Matirin announces this as well. This is so much fun!! He is really going to enjoy every minute of his life until the fleet arrives and he spends the rest of it in disgrace.


People want to know which of the apparently binary genders of shapeshifting blue centaur alien he's attracted to. People want to know if shapeshifting can leave you in a wrong-sexed body. People continue to want to know who the Yeerk in the bowl is, is it alive still, is it getting a trial. People want to know what kind of support they should be offering ex-hosts of their acquaintance. People want to know if it's hard to learn to shapeshift. People want to know if Matirin has tried [insert human thing here]. People want to know if Andalites come in nonblue colors or ever dye their fur. People want to know how things as small as Yeerks can be sapient. People want to know where to go to apply for reparations if they're like REALLY sure they were abducted by Skrit Na. People want to know what the Andalite homeworld is like. People want to know whether shapeshifting exerts significant force if performed in sealed containers. People want to know if Yeerk corpses need special handling. People want to know why Andalites took so long to show up. People want to know what the Andalites have to say for themselves about the effect of their strategy on frog populations. People want to know if there are any Andalites who are attracted to humans, asking for a friend. People want to know how he speaks all those languages.


<Bella, is this first one an inappropriately personal question or is that another cultural difference?> 

Shapeshifting can leave you in any body including that of a person of a different gender or that of a housefly. Any Yeerks who surrender to Andalite authority will of course get a trial. People should take cues from the ex-hosts, some of them will want everything to go back to normal and some of them will take some time to recover and some of them will kill themselves, which is an honorable thing to do if you cannot put yourself back together. 

It is not hard for Andalites to shapeshift but no one else can do it. Matirin has tried some of those foods and not most of the non-food things and again some of these are inappropriately personal, also he is not even sure how he would go about trying them, are there instructions somewhere? Andalite females are purple. Andalites do not dye their fur. 


Yeerk sapience when not in hosts is sort of ambiguous. If people were abducted by Skrit Na then the Andalite ambassadors can submit a claim for them once Andalite ambassadors are here. Shapeshifting exerts some force but you could prevent someone from morphing something larger by keeping them in a well-made metal cage. Yeerk corpses are fine. The Andalites are fighting the Yeerks on many fronts and came here as soon as they learned of it. The Andalites are sorry about the frogs but it would also have been too bad for the frogs if everyone on Earth was enslaved by Yeerks. Maybe if a human were really helpful at getting humans up to pace with reconstruction and fixing everything and deploying Andalite technology, some Andalites would be attracted to the human. 


He has a translation chip.


"...don't publish the honorable suicide opinion like that. Maybe say some of them will be depressed and this can be handled in the same ways as depression of other causes. It is an inappropriately personal question but humans like asking inappropriately personal questions of celebrities and lots of celebrities answer that one, implicitly or outright."


He does not tell the humans that it is honorable to commit suicide if you are broken. He does not comment on which Andalite gender he is attracted to. It will not be relevant when he is spending the rest of his life disgraced and in prison, anyway.


People want to know -

- where you go and who you talk to if you have vital strategic information you want to trade but fear for your safety?



...Beijing. Here is a meeting place. 


Okay but what if you are not sure of your safety from Andalites, either.



Somebody claims to be the former voluntary host of a deceased Resistance Yeerk who had information about... stuff... but this former host is upset about the Yeerk in question being dead and doesn't trust Andalites and doesn't know what they'd do with the information...


If there is a Yeerk resistance - underground pool, maybe, where some of them have been shielded enough from the radiation - the Andalites swear to keep them alive and find solutions for them other than unwilling hosts.The Andalites are here to stop slavery, and the more they know the better they can do it peacefully.


The Resistance are mixed in with everybody else. Is that going to be a problem?

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