elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<I think they were surprised. I stunned the two I saw, they had weapons too but didn't hit me.>


Everybody is checking in every ten seconds, a distracting cacophony he pays close attention to anyway. <I am staying Leeran to check anybody who got separated and does not want to sit three days. Have them drag the stunned Controllers back in here, we will have at least a perfunctory go at talking them out of their hosts' heads - they will starve quickly, though ->


She is one of seven people giving him confirmation of the order. He does not register the response as strange. He asks the Yeerks - <who carries stunners, how many of them do you have, why did they use those and not lethal weapons...>


They don't have enough hosts to go around right now and leaving corpses is awkward, especially when it might attract Andalite attention. There is at least one partially broken stunner in circulation that won't move to a higher setting and none of the cousins know how to fix it. The lethal setting is louder. A couple people carry them but not most; they'd be hard for some hosts to conceal.


Okay. So this is unlikely to be an ambush. He relaxes very marginally.


Bella comes back, demorphs, stumbles, gives Matirin plenty of room since he's still a mindreading frog thing.


He is! A significantly happier one now that the shooting seems to have stopped, with no one missing a check-in. He'll check anyone who prefers it to three days' observation when they get back, and then they'll get out of here.


"- um, how's everyone doing?"


<Securing the area, bringing the stunned Controllers back, no reason for more than procedural levels of paranoia.>


"If you get them out of their hosts then what?"



<They can join everyone else in the pool and become part of a problem we already have instead of an independent one. I suppose if the hosts testify they are voluntary and that the Yeerks are Yeerk resistance perhaps they can stay in their hosts.>


She falls silent. Watches him.


Seven check-ins. Sweep of the area complete, four Controllers to bring back. He shows the faces to the Yeerks, asks if anyone can tell him about them.


That one's a voluntary but a couple people are sharing her so she won't be able to testify that one of them is Resistance. They're not sure which has her at the moment. Others are involuntary, nonresistance.


Well, that will make their lives easy. 



He looks at Bella.


He asks everybody who is not Bella <how long was Bella out of contact with you?>


Like a minute and a half?



He can't think of additional questions for the Yeerks. He asks them something anyway, something inane. <Everyone report back here faster, please.>


There's a bathroom down here. Bella gets up and goes in its direction.


<Remain here until everyone is back.>


She... hesitates, then sits back down.


<How long were you out of contact with your team?>


"Not very long. Maybe a minute."


The local police have apparently arrived to investigate the reports of aliens fighting. The aliens are talking with them.


Matirin backs away from the Yeerk pool. Enough that he could not be thrown in - he wants to demorph, but that will tip it off -



"I really do kind of need the bathroom."

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