elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Huh. Among non-conscientious objector Yeerks, how well would an alternative to parasitism go over?


Some Yeerks have strong pro-parasitism philosophical beliefs but none of them have chosen to drift into range of the Leeran. Some Yeerks just really really like having the constant company - even a lot of involuntary hosts can make reasonable company, it's only a small fraction who totally snap, but voluntary's the gold standard there. Some Yeerks would miss the prospect of being able to try out being different people if they were stuck nothlit. For many Yeerks having to learn things the long way around sounds exhausting and miserable and it seems very impolite of species who find learning things easy not to let Yeerks piggyback on that. Some of them are intensely fascinated by how deeply they get to know their hosts. But for a lot of them they'd be okay with turning into their favorite species and being stuck like that.


Well, that's something. Visser Three? What's he like?


He's really kind of a dick. Working under him is confusing and scary and he promotes people who are also confusing and scary. There's no way he'd be a full Visser if he hadn't managed to stake a claim on an Andalite host. A number of Yeerks are bewildered that he's been allowed to keep Alloran at all. Maybe that will be over when the Council finds out about the irradiated Earth fiasco.


And the Council? Open to alternate solutions?


None of these Yeerks have ever interacted with the Council but the ones who are willing to guess, guess "uhhhhhh no".


Sigh. And he asks more while he has the chance, about Yeerk internal politics and what Vissers One and Two are up to and - demorph, remorph - who else is known by reputation and how this Resistance business got started.


Wrong crowd to ask about Vissers One and Two - these Yeerks are all the grandkids of this one cluster that reproduced well away from the top tier of Yeerk politics and if any of them had wound up closer to it than their ancestors, well, they wouldn't be here. However one of them is a huge Resistance history geek and will think energetically at Matirin for as long as he likes about the first inklings of the philosophy and the hosts who helped inspire it!


Yep, might be helpful!


Yaaaaaay! Cue hours of infodumping about so-and-so string-of-numerals the great philosopher, and did you know the Resistance started RIGHT HERE ON EARTH, and here is how it interacted with the history of intrahuman slavery and the perspectives of humans whose people were affected by that -


And he's also paying attention to the other ones, in case they let any other thoughts slip. And eventually steers back on topic - do these Yeerks have a way to contact the Pool ship...


This Pool is currently run by this one Yeerk who did not hold significant formal rank before but assumed the role more or less by loudly announcing it and having a disproportionate number of cousins be among its personal friends. It is not a Resistance member and doesn't know that there's substantial Resistance presence here. They assume that it has a way to talk to the ship but it's being very cagey about that and may be trying to impersonate someone more formally entitled to hold its level of authority.


Okay. Interested in talking, Yeerk-in-charge?


Oh, it's not here at the moment. It's out in host.


Ah. What does the host look like?


It changes around between a few to avoid suspicious behavior patterns. Someone is pretty sure it's currently in this dude. (Somebody else thinks it's still occupying a teenage boy who is rightfully its own host and is very annoyed about that.) The images aren't very clear. It's hard for unhosted Yeerks to remember what things look like. They've got clearer memories of the hosts' voices.


Sigh. He verifies that the area is secured, that there are no problems ongoing, that a truck has been secured to take the trial Yeerks home, and he goes Leeran for the fourth time. What was the plan for Earth, how were various Andalite actions received...


Yep, area's secured, truck's stuck in traffic but on the way.

Plan for Earth was not communicated with overwhelming consistency or clarity but pretty much infest all humans (except kids; nobody likes being kids and experiments suggest that infestation before age 8 makes for less appealing adults), reorganize the biosphere for efficient support of the host population and kill off the cruft, reorganize the industrial base to support various Yeerkish goals, ????, profit. Lateral communication was not great either but everyone heard about the blown up pools in America and it was very alarming. Some of the Yeerks involved in salvaging the White House situation were promoted.




There's a noise outside. He instructs three people, one in fly morph observing, to go and check.


Out people go.


Someone reports that they've been surprised by some Controllers swinging by to feed their parasites - there's been some shooting - they've gotten split up -


Everyone needs to be in continuous thoughtspeak communication, then. Second team, go out and find them, don't split up -


<- here. Sorry,> says Bella. <I'm not far, on my way back ->


<Wing left and get a visual on Talik and Arfal, then come in. What happened?>


She bounces him an image of what's on her left. <Somebody drove a car right at us and I dodged down a different side street.>


<Did they know we were here, how many, weapons discharged ->

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