elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"If they had an idea they'd probably have said... maybe ask what kind of evidence that you're acting in good faith which doesn't cripple you if there's a misunderstanding they'd accept."


So he asks this, along with the explanation of why he is hesitant to publicly commit to having made these promises without a neutral arbiter who can decide if he is guilty of breaking them.


Mystery person is kind of short on neutral arbiters.

...fine. Here's where in Syria the pool is with its family of radiation-resistant Yeerks, a few hundred cousins who seem to be holding up okay.


Thank you. They will go over the following day.


Bella coming with?


If she's wanted along, yes.


Very much so. He is trying to get out of the habit of giving orders now that the situation has changed as much as it has. (Now that as soon as the fleet arrives he is going to prison.)


They go to the pool with surviving Yeerks.


The surviving Yeerks are not expecting them. Bella (morphed to be able to walk briskly and shoot straight) helps get everybody in a host stunned.


And then he morphs Leeran and makes his announcement at the pool.


Yeerks swirl around in the sludge, alarmed. A few of them approach him. Some of them seem to be scuffling to the extent that sludge-dwelling slugs can scuffle.

They don't move quickly and it's hard to be completely sure that someone who's expecting Leeran attention hasn't managed to hide something.


Yeah. But for a starting point - <Yeerks.> he sends the ones who approach him. <I want to know if the Yeerk deployments in orbit are going to move against us. What do you want?>


Well, they want to live, and they want hosts - this one had a host who was killed in the American invasion and misses him very badly -


<That can be achieved, if you are willing to help us first.>


Yeerks piece together what they know about the deployments in orbit, tentatively, not confident in trusting the Andalite but not having a ton of good options right now.


<All right. Can you vouch for a few trustworthy Yeerks who are comfortable with invasive verification of that trust? We can give them voluntary hosts, see how it goes.>


The brave mindreading-volunteer contingent more or less mentally vote on this and pick a couple of their number.


<Thank you. How can you be comfortably transported?>


Sludge is better than water. They prefer to have more room than a goldfish bowl (one of them gets rather sarcastically-minded in thinking this).


People prefer not to be enslaved. He does not apologize for the Yeerkicide. He does ask someone to go get him an appropriately sized tub to fill with sludge.


Such a thing can be obtained, although it will eat some of his time in morph.


Well, is there much else to do in morph? How many of these Yeerks are members of the resistance, and how do they get along with the ones who aren't?


There is a rich and complex social fabric in this pool. The Resistance doesn't have a really formal membership but if it did some of these ones would be solidly in it. Complicating the matter is that all of the radiation-proof Yeerks are related and some of them have some feelings about that even if they were pretty socially disconnected from whoever they were around before they went to ground in Syria.


Does he need to spend a while in morph learning Yeerk family internal politics? He will do that. Can't be worse than his family's internal politics.


Demorph, remorph. It can be annoyingly close to as bad.


He can definitely spend a good long time learning Yeerk internal politics. Yeerks drift out of his range to talk to other ones. Some new ones cycle in. Their sapience outside of hosts is no longer really in doubt.


Do they know why hosts have to be sapient, then? He asks them.


Sort of the opposite of how morph instincts work, turns out. Sapient hosts are wired to pay attention to more of the things Yeerks (being likewise sapient) want to pay attention to, and come loaded with more useful data on how to be them. Nonsapient animals don't know how to be them, they just do it. A few Yeerks have a taste for nonsapient hosts but it's a very acquired taste most people never bother trying to acquire.

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