elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Raised eyebrow. 



Long hesitation.


<You may expect roughly one Earth day spent in the bottle. It is admittedly not a luxury accommodation but it is what is available to you.>


The Yeerk leaves.


The host collapses, shuddering.


Bella screws the cap on the bottle. <How did it get you?> she asks the host.


"I don't - I don't even - I was asked to take something downstairs and then I woke up with -"


<You are close to Raleigh, North Carolina, one mile from the nearest rest stop. Can you travel somewhere safe from here and refrain from contacting anyone who may be infested?>


"I don't know how many people they've got."


<Refrain from contacting anyone the Yeerk spoke to for reasons other than maintaining the pretense of your identity, then. Perhaps depart this greater political unit.>




<If the need becomes redundant or obsolete it should be fairly obvious via human news channels.>


"Is there anywhere - is there anywhere the Yeerks aren't -"


<They are unlikely to have paid much attention to any given rural area where it would be inefficient to have a pool.>


"Okay. Thanks. I'll do that. Promise. Are you guys - gonna do anything -"


<You will I hope understand that I cannot be informative on strategic matters. This is enough of a risk. Mitigate it.> She unties him and hands him a water bottle - a clear disposable one with just water in it - <The rest stop is downhill along the road from here. I recommend claiming to have no memory of how you got here and avoiding the use of your real name insofar as you can.>

And then she lets him out of the back of the U-Haul.


And he walks off.


When he's out of sight she demorphs, changes into the form she's currently got a driver's license for, and goes into town to meet up with Andi.

They find a flight that leaves in the middle of the night. They have just enough time to cryptically update the Andalites on the situation before they stand ready to swoop in, two owls and a bottle of Yeerk, into the cargo hold when no one's looking.

Traveling in cargo holds is so unpleasant.


The flight takes off on time, though.


Small mercies.

They land. They and the bottle get out of the cargo hold and get somewhere from which they can hike. Bella holds the bottle.


Andi flies on ahead.


The Andalites are relieved to have them back.


Are they gonna be chill about the bottled Yeerk?



They are not going to give a Yeerk morphing abilities but if Matirin - what is Matirin's plan for once the fleet arrives, anyway -


<If everything is settled here on Earth I will turn myself in and assert no one surviving helped me, to the extent I can plausibly do so.>


"Bella was figuring somebody stands over it for a couple hours with a shredder waiting for it to get stuck, not that you let it run around turning into stuff."


<The reaction back home is still not going to be favorable. But I will do it. Should we get a bird it can acquire ->

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