elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Humans do have a distinct habit of ignoring only-statistically-perceptible deaths. From a PR perspective it's a win and PR is necessary to prevent the deaths in adults of cancer."


Annoyed tail-lash. <That is reasonable. Not the humans, but the strategy to leverage it. So we irradiate the planet at levels that make it difficult to attribute any specific case of cancer to us, expect that this causes Yeerks acute problems in under a month, and simultaneously try to seize the Yeerk ships in space somehow, hoping they will not bother sending reinforcements to a planet they cannot inhabit anyway.>


<And we have to get the ships because otherwise if Earth is not habitable for them they can just grab as many humans as they have the capacity to carry and take them elsewhere.>


"Timing seems like a problem - we won't necessarily know at once when the Yeerks start having acute problems - we don't even know that they will, we should probably go do another trial on somebody -"


<Yes, probably. Though I worry that the doctors will notice the radiation poisoning, infer what we are attempting, give Yeerks the opportunity to develop countermeasures...>


"They seemed pretty confused with the one, a lower dose might present differently... but yeah, it would be hard to count on that..."


<If they are at home when they manifest symptoms you could just kidnap them at that point. If they are not, then it is harder. We do still need to test it, though...>


"Last one couldn't get out of bed when the Yeerk got sick..."


<If that occurs again you could just take them prisoner before they reach a doctor who could be suspicious.>


"Yeah. Lower dose might have them under the weather less suddenly, though, might decide to go to the hospital after work or something."


<We may have to take the risk - I am not sure what precautions the Yeerks could even take, aside from running away with as many humans as possible right now...>


"Which... is awful, but if we can get them to do that we don't have to irradiate the planet and the rest of the Andalites won't want to wipe the Earth off the map... ballpark how many might 'as many as possible' be?"


<Assuming they have the whole, intact fleet they had when we landed, but that they have not yet been able to turn any human manufacturing to z-space ships - more than ten thousand, less than a hundred thousand.>


"And then there's maybe time to chase them down and stop them with a larger force - there's lots of humans, if we nail the PR an outside threat which happens to be nightmarish and slug-shaped is exactly the sort of thing that could get more of us cooperating to build stuff and go Yeerk-hunting - so maybe they wouldn't have much time to breed up that population from there - and I'd have to look that up but that's probably actually fewer than would be affected by the radiation plan."


<So - if we are sufficiently sure that the Yeerks will flee - perhaps we should leak to them that we intend to make the world uninhabitable. Though probably not our methods, in case they instead have a way to neutralize that.>


"Maybe. I don't know what their strategic fallback is or how pragmatic Visser Three is, I don't know how credible we'd have to be there..."


<I do not think it would be in character for him to destroy the world out of sheer spite, Yeerks are more pragmatic than that. Beyond that - no idea.>


"So he might assume we're bluffing, stick around..."


<Or have better capabilities than we are expecting and successfully stop us.>


"Yeah. It's also a PR problem if we announce we're going to make the planet uninhabitable for Yeerks and then suddenly people have a surprising number of kids with flippers or something."


All of the Andalites shudder violently.



<That would indeed be a terrible outcome> Matirin says.


"...yes. I still think I'm missing something."


<If so, it is something sufficiently obvious to us that it is not readily coming to mind as requiring explanation. Children born with flippers would be horrifying and terrible?>

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