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Taliar in Evil Arda
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"You're amazing, you know that?" Kisses. 


Yes. Yes he does know that. Maitimo is also amazing. They are both amazing. Kisses!


Maybe they can experiment in a bit, this is very distracting.


It's pretty distracting all right. Well, they've got plenty of time. They can afford a distraction or two.

Love you forever...


I know, I know you will, it's lovely...


I like saying it, I like feeling it, it makes me happy. I'm so glad I can be with you, so glad you love me...


I want you now, without any mind control, I want to hear you thinking, I love you, I love that you love me...


Taliar thinks that sounds like a fantastic idea.


And afterwards if Taliar is not too tired out they can try mind control songs while soul-touching is ongoing. But he might be too tired out. That's okay. They have a lot of time.


Taliar considers the question of whether or not he is too tired out, while snuggling Maitimo, and he decides that he is not too tired out and he is feeling very very good about Maitimo right now and they can definitely try this experiment.


So he reaches out and touches Taliar's soul. 


His mind fills to overflowing with soft dreamy affection and warmth and trust and sparkling joy. There's a hint of that warm-blanket feeling in the sensation of soul-contact intimacy, and underneath that, a deep sense of rightness, a feeling that having his whole self wrapped up in Maitimo is exactly how the world should be. It's a little reminiscent of soul contact on trust songs, but more natural, more alive, more properly Taliar.


He will bask in it for a while. And then he'll sing the trust song.


It has no discernible effects while he's still touching Taliar's soul.

And then when he lets go it's right there, it's been full-force all along, just obscured by the sheer enormous intensity of soul-touching - and Taliar loves it, he loves Maitimo so much, he feels so good, he is so glad Maitimo can do this to him, he never wants it to stop, he wants Maitimo to touch his soul again and make this feeling big enough to drown in, oh, it's so good...


And it's tempting, actually, to keep him like this, not forever but for weeks and months, blissfully and wholly his and happy about it - he touches his soul again -


This instance of soul contact on trust songs is just like the last. Oceans of trust, a warm blanket of awareness-of-Maitimo. There are a few differences in the details - he's a little more high on it this time - but apparently induced emotions come out a bit samey when magnified by soul contact. Taliar, of course, does not mind. Taliar is a vast ocean of calm contented love.


He does not keep him like this forever. He stops touching his soul and he cuddles him and whispers how much he loves him and then he stops singing.


And Taliar snuggles Maitimo and loves Maitimo very much and feels so absolutely utterly peaceful, and then he comes out of it and as it's fading he says love you forever - what was it like for you - I get so high on that, I think it's the trust...


Amazing. And he sends it -


He giggles softly.

Someday in the distant future when we're out of major cosmic problems and I can afford a week of probable soul stagnation, I might say yes to you keeping me on trust songs that long. Love you. And I love seeing what you get out of this, I love that I can give you that.


Trust songs shouldn't strictly speaking make you not functional, though the soul stagnation will probably always be a feature. You're so fascinating - you're such a delight to play with -


I get way too high on it, I'm pretty sure that's a non-intended result but here we are - I might settle out and perk up again after a few hours, we'd have to try it to find out, but that's a little too non-strategic as a use of a few hours for now, I think. It's past time I got back to work.

His soul flares golden, the spark at its heart visibly brighter, responding to his calm settled resolve to resume the business of saving the world. Taliar smiles and snuggles closer to Maitimo.

Can't believe it's only been a day. What a day. Well, tomorrow I can start figuring out how I'm going to get my soul back to city-sized-healing-aura levels. Right now I think I am going to go to sleep. Goodnight, Maitimo. Love you forever.


Good night. 


And - I want to speak with you; better or worse for me to come in person?


As you wish.


It seems like you might be feeling abandoned but maybe that's ridiculous of me. If you want me to go away I will do that.

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