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Taliar in Evil Arda
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I would have phrased it as 'I don't break my things'. Hurt you, maybe, but not damage you, not leave you less all of the things I fell in love with - and someone who could trust me, that's something I fell in love with.


That's... yeah, that's a good way to put it.

Taliar is glad he can trust Maitimo. Trusting Maitimo is very rewarding.

Love you forever, he says. Then he reviews the list of experiments and another one occurs to him. I wonder how being mind-controlled first affects soul-touching - if the soul-touching reacts to controlled emotions the same way as natural ones, and if it does, whether the emotional experience changes when the song wears off - so far the emotional experience of soul-touching seems very static, but I don't know if that's just because it's so overwhelming that it drowns out anything that might change it...


Ooooh, yes, that's a good one.


He grins. What else, what else... I'm actually going to be disappointed if none of it works, at this point...


Squeeze. It is irresponsible of me not to have thought of more of them.


Taliar leans into him affectionately.

Hmm. Strategically speaking, 'can you mind-control me into doing or thinking something fundamentally against my nature' is an obvious thing to want to test, but it's hard to think of things in that vein that I'm willing to test... if it's possible to mind-control me into temporarily not being in love with you, I am just barely willing to try it and it would definitely be about as fundamentally against my nature as it is possible to get... He checks with his soul to see how risky this kind of experiment would be, and his soul affirms that as long as he willingly agrees to the experiment in the first place he will not be debased if it works.


I am not sure I have songs that'd make a person not care about another, that's sort of terrifying.


Can't say I'm not glad of that even if it is a bit inconvenient as regards experimental design. What do you have songs for, can you think of anything you could do to me with them that you suspect I'd abhor...


Not in themselves? I could make you trusting and relaxed and happy and I could probably make that happen even while doing something trust-breaking or upsetting, but - that'd require doing something of that nature -


And it's not even that abhorrent in the abstract and I bet we won't have much luck trying to find a specific example that satisfies both 'non-abhorrent enough that I'll agree to the experiment' and 'abhorrent enough that the experiment will be meaningful'.


Likely not. Getting you to mind-control someone else, maybe, but if you had their consent in advance that wouldn't work either...


Yeah. So - no way to try that one, leave it off the list for now... Under non-strategic experiments we have 'what happens if you try to mind-control me while you're touching my soul', 'what happens if you mind-control me and then touch my soul', and 'generic mind-control sex'; under strategic experiments we have 'can you mind-control me while I'm asleep' and, I suppose, also 'can you mind-control me while I'm awake and expecting it and don't want it to succeed'. What brilliant ideas are we overlooking?


Longer-term, more subtle stuff, but that's dangerous.


Subtle stuff like what?


Stuff that doesn't wear off. Necklaces and so forth, for loyalty or obedience...


Those exist...?

A faint silver light shines from Taliar's soul, and he gets a wordless sense from it which might best be translated as 'if you put a necklace for obedience on this soulbearer, you should not expect it back in working order'. He laughs. Well, that's reassuring evidence that there are at least some mind-control things my soul is strongly inclined to protect me from.


I have no intention of doing that. I might give you magic jewelry but it will all be the kind that does nice things.


I love you. Okay. So experiments with long-term mind control are out, although we still managed to get useful information just from wondering about them.


Useful, that.


My soul can be pretty communicative sometimes.


So I discovered. Kiss. When do you want to do these experiments?



...I actually think I'm curious enough to want to try something right now, he says contemplatively. Not sure which one, though. It's a good time for soul-touching, I am feeling very positively towards you...


And he sings. Trust, happiness, relaxation. 


It works fine.

Taliar is fascinated by it, actually, feeling the effects and guessing what the song is for - it doesn't take him long to figure it out - and wow this is a lovely mental state to be in, all warm and floaty, he loves Maitimo so much, he wants Maitimo to touch his soul, wants to feel this on a soul-touching scale...


So he'll do that.

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