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Taliar in Evil Arda
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'Before paperwork or inheritance' - I kind of envy that state of being. Inheritance and its paperwork among Nuimena nobility get really ridiculous. Like, if I told you my full list of titles and you knew how to interpret them all, you'd know the seasons of my parents' and grandparents' marriages, the fact that I'm only directly in line for one landholding noble title and it's currently held by my mother's father, approximately how big the associated lands are and which part of the empire they're in, the fact that my mother's mother was a princess and that's my closest imperial blood relation, and the fact that my father's not noble. And there's etiquette for which subsets of the list I'm supposed to use in what contexts. This is way more needlessly elaborate formality than I want in my life.

Luckily, I'm a soulbearer, so I get to just use my soulname instead of dealing with any of that. It is perfectly socially acceptable for me to introduce myself and for people to address me as 'Dawn-shining Taliar' no matter where we are or what's going on.


Clever. I imagine the emphasis on inheritance will fade as people get used to not, well, dying. It's very important to humans here. For Elves, less so.


Esarkan already did away with a bunch of imperial inheritance titles because no one's ever going to inherit the imperium again. He's eager to start simplifying the rest but doesn't want to start in on it until people start realizing on their own how silly it is to keep maintaining all these detailed lists of coded information about inheritance-related ancestry. But it might take a while because a lot of people are very attached to their detailed lists of coded information about inheritance-related ancestry.


Of course they are. To be fair, a more established Noldorin succession would have saved us a lot of heartbreak.


Taliar hugs him. Yeah. I might find our way ridiculous but it's really, really unambiguous, it's got that much going for it.


I don't know if 'unambiguous' would have saved us but it might have.


Snuggle. I wish - I wish it had gone better, I wish you'd had better choices. While I'm at it I also wish Eru had just not included the evil god on the eventually-inhabited planet to begin with.


Lots to recommend it, not putting evil gods on your inhabited planets. 


Even your ostensibly non-evil gods have serious problems but I feel like without the evil one in the mix things would probably have gone a lot better! Eru made some bad decisions. Nobody to point out his mistakes, maybe that's his problem...

And now he's imagining his father making the creator of this world a nice cup of tea and sitting down with him to discuss his choices. It's an entertaining image.


Or maybe they're not mistakes and this is what he wanted.


In which case I may end up needing to fight yet another god.


No one's seen him in several centuries.


Then perhaps he won't bother anyone and I will not end up needing to fight him.

But if Eru tries to drop another evil god on this world, or otherwise substantially interfere with it in harmful ways, then Taliar is going to go and find him and make him stop.

His soul brightens slightly. Resolving to fight gods if they insist on fucking with people is the sort of thing that exalts it.


Resolving to do things seems to be a thing your soul approves of.


Yeah. Particularly when they are the right kinds of things.

He's actually not sure what the definition of the right kinds of things is - he can tell which things are which, but he doesn't do it by comparing them to lists of criteria, it's mostly in how he feels about them. 'That sounds difficult-to-impossible and is going to help people; I should definitely do it if it comes up' - something along those lines, if he had to put the relevant feeling into something resembling words? He wonders what it says about him that that's a specific emotional state that he feels often enough to recognize it instantly.





Well, as long as you continue not getting yourself killed trying difficult to impossible things sounds great.


I am very keen on not getting killed. I want my eternity.

He's tried several times to get his soul to become self-resurrecting like Esarkan's, and he hasn't managed it yet. Someday he's sure he'll figure out the right approach...

...oh, you know what he hasn't tried yet, he hasn't been in love with someone who loved him back and wanted to keep him forever and who he wanted to stay with forever, this situation is new and gives him a new angle on the problem.

Before I do something that might permanently shift my powerset, can you think of anything I'm not thinking of that might make becoming irrevocably immortal a bad idea...? It'll cut into how much power I have available for other things, and I don't exactly have a lot to go around right now, but I feel like it's probably still worth it...


There is that.

Refraining from making the attempt is harder than he expected, though. He's carefully avoiding the relevant mental state, but even just tiptoeing around its edges he can tell how right it feels. Which indicates it'll probably work...

It's already a huge enough disaster if I get captured by the Enemy, I'm not sure the strategic situation gets substantially worse if I can't die... my personal situation does a bit, but then I have eternity to fix it afterward...


Enemy might have mind-control, we don't know. Though I suppose your soul'd probably stop functioning, if that were in play...


If someone tried to mind-control me into using my soul's power to do things, it would not work the way they were expecting and they would probably not be pleased with the results. I'm not sure exactly what would happen, but I definitely know my soul's opinion on mind control.


Could do a limited-duration test but not if it's likely to set your power level back, and it might not get the same result anyway if we're testing on purpose...


Wait, you have mind control...? On a fine enough level that 'trying to get me to do things with my soul' is a thing it can do? Were you trying not to let me find that out or have I just been abysmally unobservant...?

He is amused mostly because being appalled seems unproductive.


Our magic system, which lots of people have happily taught you and answered your questions about, can do mind control, yes. I didn't specifically ask anyone not to mention that when enumerating its capabilities and limitations, but I suppose people don't like thinking about it, because of the Enemy? Anyway, it's not very good, not at the granularity we can manage, but probably good enough to test if you were curious.


What specifically would you try, if we were going to test this?

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