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Taliar in Evil Arda
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Hmm, I don't know. We have very good love songs - I have not sung you any, whatever emotions you've felt were your own - but that would not actually work to persuade you to do things you thought were wrong, as demonstrated. You can do a lot of emotional manipulation, but likewise. If I were trying to achieve something that way I'd aim for 'more suggestible' and then get an oath for what I actually wanted specifically.


And the oath part wouldn't work on me. And - I think I might just be the wrong person to try to manipulate with not-very-specific mind control.

This is a feature he is pretty glad to have, even if it's currently inconvenient.

Although now I sort of want to test something to see if the mind-control part even works at all - one of the possible outcomes is 'my soul urgently pulls together an offshoot of a nearby power to make me immune to mind control', which would be a reassuring thing to know I can do. And congratulations on successfully distracting me from the urge to think things that may lead to becoming immortal, I'm now thoroughly caught up in experimental design—I feel like it's most informative if I am not expecting to be mind-controlled at the time, which seems hard to pull off without potentially making my soul mad at you and there is quite enough of that going around already, hmm—


I didn't understand it to be the case that you lost power because your soul was mad at me? You lost power because permitting me to ongoingly do soul-disapproved-of things was against your soul and attacking me was against your soul. Is that wrong? Because if that's right, it's not really about me...


There isn't really such a thing as my soul being mad at you, that's a flippant oversimplification. I lost power both because of that conflict, and because of the conflict between me being very very in love with you and you being inclined to do soul-disapproved-of things. Nonconsensual mind control is a soul-disapproved-of thing, and 'trying to find out what happens if someone tries to mind-control me when I'm not expecting it' seems like the sort of situation where it is possible to end up doing something that my soul considers nonconsensual mind control, and that's a risk. We can check experimental designs ahead of time, though, and just not do any that my soul feels like it might object to.


Sounds good. Squeeze. I want you to be immortal. I just do not want you to be tortured forever if we slip up.


Snuggle. I love you. ...I'm not actually sure I care very much about the difference between 'tortured forever' and 'dead', among things that could happen to me? I mean, it's a very reasonable thing to care about and I'm sure I'd have strong opinions in the moment if it came up, but - from a practical standpoint they both amount to 'not affecting the rest of the world anymore', and that's equally undesirable either way.


You are a very strange person.


He giggles. Yeah, that's fair.


And also possibly underestimating the Enemy but I don't know. He's - really bad.


The lack of a difference between being tortured forever and being dead isn't at all dependent on how bad the torture is. Or are you referring to a different kind of bad?


In one case the Enemy can, even if he can't force you to do things, use you to think and do strategy for him. 


Yeah, that's a substantial part of the practical reason why I don't want to be captured by the Enemy. I am very smart and I don't want him able to use that. Which leads us back to mind-control-related experimental design... has to be you attempting the mind control, I don't trust anyone else enough to agree to the experiment...


He smiles. There is maybe a bit of a blush involved. I don't even have a coherent explanation for why, but that is definitely how I feel. Categorically not okay with people in general trying to mind-control me; potentially okay with it under some circumstances if it's you.


For the advancement of knowledge and the destruction of the Enemy only, of course.


Are there other applications on your mind...?


Don't tempt me.


...which sounds like excellent advice that he should definitely take, no question, but on the other hand now he's curious... he leans on Maitimo and starts giggling, because wow, this entire train of thought probably makes top five among times Taliar has played with fire in his life, and the competition has been fierce.


Maitimo puts an arm around him. You are a delight.


I love you, he says, still giggling. I should just - stop thinking about this - but the experiment is actually an important one, and I'm not sure I can think about it without being reminded of my deeply ill-advised flirting and getting curious all over again...


I can think of a solution to that but it's a very undesirable one.


Should I not ask what it is?


I can say something sufficiently upsetting you'll stop being curious.


I was right to suspect that I shouldn't ask! he says. Because of course the first place his mind goes is to interpret that as a challenge, and now he has two of his fundamental drives conspiring to make him dwell on this topic - curiosity, and the part of him that reflexively answers all doubts with 'try me'...




Having sex with someone you've mind-controlled is less satisfying than having someone who's in love with you but it's fascinating, it's a rush, you've put a little set-point in their head and you can just watch the ripples away from it, the things pulling it back, and even though it's not their mind at the moment you end up getting such a sense of their mind, because you cannot usually pin it down like that.

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