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Taliar in Evil Arda
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I am very very glad.


Taliar smiles and hugs him, full of love and joy. I'm glad that you're glad. I love you and I want you to be happy.


I don't think I understand what you mean when you say forgiving people is difficult and unpleasant. What is that like - why would you want to do it if it were -


I mean that sometimes when you do unpleasant things to me I'll be upset by them and upset with you about them, and it will take effort and emotional work to deal with that, and the process is not totally unrewarding but it's not something I'd do without a good reason, it's much easier to let being upset with someone turn into liking them less, particularly when being upset is so straightforwardly justified. People end up disliking people who mistreat them, most of the time, it seems to be how emotions are supposed to work. As for why I am going to forgive you anyway, if you need a reminder I will happily pick up my soul and hand it to you.

He feels that same deliberate certainty of love from when he demonstrated his commitment earlier. It'll be just like that again, if he does it.


Only if you want to. I like the way you think, I don't need constant reassurance in melts-your-brain forms.


He laughs. Well, that's why, anyway. I made a commitment. I haven't formally defined it, the purest expression of it is just - how I felt when I put your hand on my soul that time, but you could think of it as 'I have decided to be undeterrable from loving you'.


Squeeze. I don't want you ever to regret that.


I'm sure I'll have my moments, but in the long term, I'm very confident that I will look back on it as a good decision I'm actively happy to have made. I mean - if you tried, if you put serious deliberate effort into ruining my life as thoroughly as possible, I bet you could get me to the point where I'd need a few years away to clear my head and I might not be strong enough to come back. But you would have to be pretty dedicated to pull it off. Nothing you've given the impression of being likely to actually do comes close.


I don't want to ruin your life. I was terrified you were going to ruin mine but it's pretty clear you're - trying very hard not to.


Yeah. Snuggle. I don't want your life ruined. I want the opposite of that. I want—I want you to end up with a better life, by your own standards, than you would've had without me. I don't know if that's something I can accomplish, but I'm sure going to try.




Might be. The Enemy being dead is more important either way but - might be.


He grins and leans on Maitimo and snuggles him some more.

Yeah. Enemy first, other priorities after. But - I'm glad you think it's possible.


What a delightful Taliar. His delightful Taliar. He makes a content noise and pulls him closer.


This is good and Taliar is happy.

Love you forever, he says, and in contemplating loving Maitimo forever it occurs to him that once he's bridged the worlds after defeating the Enemy they could go get married in Nuime—if Maitimo wanted—and he blushes and ducks his head uncertainly because it feels presumptuous to ask this early, even though he didn't really ask as such and he could hardly have stopped the idea from entering his thoughts at all...


I think we must have different concepts of the word - and also he would need to talk to Findekáno, he feels like Findekáno must be feeling abandoned and he realizes this is a bit ridiculous - 


I wouldn't be surprised - what's yours like? In Nuime there's four kinds depending on what inheritance rules you want, I vaguely get the impression you have fewer than that...


One. When a man and a woman have sex they are married, it's irrevocable, it's a soul bond thing.


That's... weird and unsettling... marriage doesn't do anything to souls in Nuime, it's purely a matter of paperwork.


Can you see it when people are married? In their eyes?


No. I mean, I might be able to discern this about Elves, although I have no idea what it looks like, but it's not a phenomenon among humans in Nuime. And there's no universally recognizable effect on the souls of married soulbearers, just whatever individual secondary effects there might be from formalizing a relationship.


Huh. Here there's no paperwork involved and it's visible to everyone.


In Nuime you exchange jewelry and then wear the jewelry a lot and it's sort of - usually possible to guess whether a piece of jewelry someone is wearing is marriage-related or not, although I couldn't begin to explain how you tell, and that's the only outwardly visible sign. And only one of the four kinds is conventionally limited to a man and a woman, and even then it's not an explicit formal restriction, it's just that two men or two women usually don't want or need to certify that any children they have will have been produced by the two of them and no one else...


I think we're talking across a species difference again. How would paperwork achieve that?


The paperwork is just an assertion of intent. See, humans have accidental children sometimes, right, so sometimes someone ends up with a child they can't or don't want to raise and needs someone else to adopt them, and sometimes someone ends up with a child by someone other than their spouse but wants to raise it anyway. But for some reason a lot of people are really insistent that only blood relatives should be able to inherit noble titles.

Full-bloodline marriage, also called spring marriage, means that the partners intend that they're not going to adopt, or do things that might result in them raising children who are only related to one of them, so if they're both nobles, the children are in both lines of inheritance. Half-bloodline marriage, also called summer marriage, means that the partners intend that all of their children will be at minimum related to one of them, a specific one declared ahead of time, and then the children are in that parent's line of inheritance but not the other's. And autumn marriages don't make any promises about who their children might be related to, which is handy if you know you want to adopt, and winter marriages don't expect to have any children at all.


Huh. Marriage for us existed long before we had a concept of paperwork or inheritance. 

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