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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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It lunges, she rolls out of the way; grass, dirt and tar exploding from the spot she was just standing in. She glances at the girl sprawled on the grass, she still hasn't gotten up, is she hurt?

Can she even pick her up and run away with her?

The monster seems to pick up on this weakness, and raises its arm so it can end the other girl.

"Wait! No!"


There is no time, she moves, dirt is kicked up with the force of her step. The dark fist falls like a guillotine, she has to move.

She has to move!




Henshin-A-Go-Go, baby!


The impact is fierce, the blow rings true.

The girl's feet sink into the dirt.

She grits her teeth, she swallows her blood.

The other one, she looks up in awe, tears in her eyes.

She isn't gone, and she is confused.


She growls. "Got another one in ya?" She pulls her feet out of the ground. She turns around. "Well?" She spreads her arms, challenging.


"I said come at me!" She roars. "I'm going to push your shit in so far your lineage will be feeling it for generations!" The creature raises its fist again, she holds her arms out in front of her and blocks.

The blow rattles her.

"Decades from now your great grandchildren will be waking up in a cold sweat from the genetic memory of me kicking your ass!" She grabs the fist and tugs. Pulling it off balance, it stumbles enough to put it's head close enough to the ground for her to reach it.

"Eat shit!" She runs, putting as much power into her fist as she can, the beast's head visibly snaps back from the blow. It tries to recover, but it seems to only have its arms to balance on, she hits it again before it can recover. "Die!" It stumbles onto its side. She kicks it in the face. "Cry some more!" She punches the head over and over again, she raises both of her fists and slams down as hard as she can, a dull and wet crack is heard.


Its eyes roll back, black and red intermingle like water and oil. Her pulse is ringing in her ears, she pants as she watches it melt before her eyes, pitch black flesh bubbling.

She turns back to the other girl, her eyes are wide, her lips pursed. She walks over to the other girl, her expression softens. She kneels down to her.


The other girl is shaking like a leaf, her lip trembles as her gaze doesn't leave the sizzling black tar. She very gently puts her hand on the girl's shoulder. She snaps to face her. "Shhhhhh, it's ok, shhhhh." She gets a little closer. Something seems to unravel in the other girl as she begins sniffling, then crying, then outright sobbing. She gingerly takes hold of the girl and strokes her back. "Shhhhhhhhhh, it's ok, it's ok." She whispers, like a mantra.

The girl wails in despair.


The girl calms down eventually. She gently separates herself from her and gives her an assessing look. Given the way her leg is stretched out, and given the bruise, she's willing to bet its broken. She looks at some of the trees around her, then gets up and jumps, actually jumps, up to the branches, grabs a hold of one that looks straight and sturdy, then snaps it off. She briefly goes back to her rock house, retrieves the bedsheet, then jumps back.

She places the branch next to the leg, then works on ripping long strips of sheet so she can splint it.

It's not pretty, she's never really done this before, and she feels awful every time the girl squirms in obvious discomfort, but she has a splint.

The girl looks forlorn throughout the process, muttering. She can only smile at the girl awkwardly.


She hooks the girl's arm over her shoulder and lifts her to her feet. She tries to smile and the girl returns it weakly. She isn't really sure where to take her, so she opts for the gaggle of students that were studiously ignoring the hole.

They... seem to be running track? How does one call for attention? "Hai!" She calls out. Some of them actually look her way.

"Mahou Shoujo!" One of them yells. The rest turn to face the two of them, with a awe.

Wait, I know those words!


She looked down at herself.


Wait, what the hell am I wearing? She didn't really have the presence of mind to dissect the elaborate and delectably girly outfit she was currently garbed with, instead she turned to the gaggle of students who were all smiling around me. Someone older, maybe a teacher, shook the magical girl's hand and said something that she completely didn't understand. She smiled awkwardly in response. "Here." She motioned for the woman to take hold of the girl, who mercifully took the lead here. The teacher asked something to the other girl, who thought about it and gave her a response. The teacher seemed to maybe gently chastise her, then turned to the magical girl. "Arigato, Mahou Shoujo."

Shit! What do you say? Gomen? Is Gomen thank you? She opted to simply smile and bow, the teacher seemed to like it.


Ok, now skedaddle!

She turned around and jumped at a shallow angle, propelling herself with speed away from awkward conversations she couldn't understand. She hoped to simply jump again as soon as she hit the ground, but she didn't expect the sheer force of the landing, and finds herself stumbling and falling forwards.


The humiliation follows her all the way back to her rock house, and frankly, it will probably follow her to the end of her days.


She stumbles towards the bed, then faceplants onto it. "Huuuuuuuuuuuugh." She wails into the bed. The bed does not respond. She turns over, she stares at her sandstone ceiling for long seconds.

"I am a Magical Girl." She confesses to the rock house.


She smiles. "And not even on a technicality either!" She jumps to her feet. She's still stained in black and red, unfortunately, but her dress is very floofy! It has this pearly color to it, and its asymmetrical, the left side of the skirt hangs lower than the right, and her right sleeve opens up into something wide and rimmed in gold fabric.

She twirls, then twirls some more. "Wheeeeeeeeeee!"


"Ah." So where did my other clothes go?" She concentrates, its not too hard to figure out what part of her is the trigger. It's a little bit like flexing a muscle you didn't have yesterday. Her magical girl outfit vanishes in a puff of light, her old clothes reappearing completely clean and no worse for wear. In fact she feels completely clean.

"Huh, I wonder."


She twirls and strikes a pose. Her magical girl outfit appears, utterly pristine.

"Cool! Instant cleanliness!" She lets the form drop.


"I have a weapon now, two actually" She raises her fists. "Alpha and Omega!"


But also. She closes her eyes and projects her will to "Earth". Grass, sea, trees, people, and; as far as she can tell, female-only universities as far as the eye can see.

"This isn't Earth, and I am very far from home."

It might be a long time before she finds her way back home, if ever. There are monsters afoot, and if she is to survive she must become stronger. She'll gather supplies and a light source, and then she will go.


The next few days are spent running back and forth to and from Robot City. Her fancy new transformation makes her stronger, faster and more durable, which means stronger jumps and less risk in falls. She needs to get used to her new capabilities if she is to fight in this form. And she might as well get paid for it too.

She can cover the distance between two buildings intersected by a street in a single bound, even if she has to roll to land safely. She finds the movement more natural, hitting that flow state where there is no thought, only one action followed by the next.

She can feel it building as she hits her stride, jump to swing to wall kick to slide to swing to a series of wall kicks followed by a dive only aborted by grabbing a cord attached to a flag and swinging off it. At which point she runs out of things to parkour off of and rolls in the air until she rolls on the ground and jumps up to her feet. Money fountains up from the point of impact and she scoops it all up into her backpack.


She saunters in to a shop she scouted previously. She points to a grappling hook behind a glass case. The oval headed shopkeeper blinks slowly at her as she removes her backpack and opens it, revealing it to be filled to the brim with stone coins.

She points at a grappling hook, and a chest mounted flashlight.


Love and peace are the official values of the academy. To say otherwise is to invite hate.


She admits, sitting through classes through clairvoyance is more informative than she thought. She can make out individual words every now and then, and she can start to follow the gist some of the time.

It'll still be a bit before she can hold a conversation more complicated than "where's your bathroom", but hey, baby steps.

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