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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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They're occupied. They're all occupied. In each one a prisoner shudders in a cell with no door or bars. Unless...

She waves her hand through the cell doorway. Nothing!

They resembled the broken man, emaciated and shriveled. "Hey-" The man in the cell swung his arms over his head making a pained noise. He shook like a leaf. "No, I'm not going to hurt you, I-" The sound of a bell, to her right.


"Fiddlefucks!" She barely reacted to the bolt of strange green light by throwing herself into the cell.


"We gotta put a bell- No wait, you have that covered, huh?" A humanoid figure in a pale green robe floated over to face the cell interior. It's face is covered by a pale white mask, its skin is oily and green, in its hand it holds some sort of a lantern, a sickly green light pours out of it.

She is momentarily confused. "Whaaaaaaaat are you?" It raises it's lantern-bell, she gets ready to dodge.


A deep, dolorous tone rattles her bones and shakes her spirit, she crumples to the ground seizing, the man pulls out a wavy blade from his robe and moves towards her with purpose. Her mouth is painfully clenched shut, not a single muscle responds to her, she tastes blood. No! It can't end like this! I didn't even get laid! I turned into a cute girl for nothing!

She learns that getting stabbed hurts. She isn't even afforded the mercy of screaming out.


"Blagh! Shit! Fuck! Piss!"


"Wuh?" She pats herself, no holes that don't belong. "I'm alive?"


"I'm going to kill that thing! I'm going to kick it in the nuts!"


She bolts out of the cell with the fire. "His lineage ends with him!" She flies down the stairs, and peers out the door. There seems to be a green figure on each of the walkways, patrolling.


"I see you, you son of a bitch." She quickly jumps back and forth from her rock house to establish a portal that she can use to teleport. Then she has an amazing idea. "Oh you're going to get it now!" She winds up for a punch, focuses for a second-


-reappears behind him, punching him in the back of the head as hard as she could. "Eat it!"


Which wasn't actually that hard.


Because she forgot to transform.


She stares at the fire for almost a minute.

"Ok." She says, calmly. "I think it is fair to say-" She pauses. "-that that one was on me."


There was really only one acceptable course of action from this point on.


Kill the witnesses.


It takes her three tries to actually transform. It seems that there is some component of confidence needed to properly change forms. "Great, my Magical Girl weakness is embarrassment."


She looks at the fire. "And I guess I'm immortal?" 


"Whatever, murder first! Determining the status of my mortality later!" She flies through the door and down the stairs, with considerably more agility this time (how did I forget?, stupid!).


She readies the same maneuver as before. Surely by now it has caught on to her revival? But it's just serenely patrolling the walkway like nothing ever happened.


"You're mine now!"


This time she opts to tackle it, grabbing it by the back of the neck and the arm holding the glowing green bell. She then slams it into the ground. "Ha!"


The bell hits the floor, a terrible sound shakes the walls themselves, she seizes up again.


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