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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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Over the next few hours the sun set, the moon rose, and she wandered. To kill time she experimented some more. Her clairvoyance allowed her to look into her rock home while she was on Earth and it let her peer into the dark place when she was near the portal, but she can't use her clairvoyance as long as she's on the same side of the portal. So that's weird.

There are buildings, parks, small commercial areas, vending machines. She found that she could pull in or push out objects from her rock home. So when nobody was looking she went back and pulled in a bunch of random snacks and sandwiches. Surely nobody will mind! She feels so light on her feet! Like she could go anywhere. After a while she stops feeling the portal to the dark rainy place and her attention is turned to a new portal instead.


"Meh, fuck it!" She says to no one in particular. Then jumps.


A bustling city. Filled with commerce, fish, the ruling class and those runners who have made their profession out of snubbing their noses on a daily basis.


"Wow! Where the heck am I? Am still I on-" She glances at the many robot men and women around her, they stare as they pass by but otherwise don't bother her.

No I am not on Earth! Ok! I can travel to different worlds!


She glanced at one of the tall buildings, smirked then teleported on top of one. Nobody was around. "Heck yeah! Nobody can keep you down when you can teleport! She leaned down on the lip of the building overlooking the street below.


No cars, surprisingly enough, but there are plenty of trains! "Heck yeah! Ooh, I should ride one!" That was obviously stupid but... wait, how does momentum work?" She ran in a straight line then teleported a meter or so in front of her. She stumbled forward as her momentum carried across the jump. "Well, that makes it more dangerous." She tried a few more times, going to and from her rock house preserved momentum. So no aborting a train ride by teleporting. "That's annoying." She looked around, some of the buildings looked pretty close to each other, the roofs were about the same height... if one swung off that pole, grabbed onto the crane's chain you could potentially swing to the other side of the road...


"Why am I even considering this? I'll slip and die!


Her jumps end up as the spacial variety instead, teleporting from roof to roof, trying to get a sense of what this massive jungle of concrete and metal has to offer. Many of the people in the streets are wearing suits, but jumping from roof to roof like this she spots others up here too. A couple of people running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop. They reach the side adjacent to the road and her breath catches as they jump down.


And swing with fucking grappling hooks like spider-man. "Woah!" She keeps teleporting to keep up, they land on a lower building and keep going. "I'm going to do that! I don't care, I'm absolutely going to find a grappling hook and I'm going to do that!"

New life goal acquired, she figured she might as well practice.


It's not like the rooftops are lacking in obstacles. Air conditioners, water towers, cranes, and more. All of which she saw those two runners gliding over effortlessly.

A few probing jumps put her at a suitable rooftop. Several air conditioners, a cord of some description and an elevated water tower she could vault through.


Run, jump on the AC, jump again, grab the dangling cord, feel a tingle, jump off another AC, swing through the scaffolding holding up the water tower and roll to absorb the landing!

"Wooo!" She screamed.


As she landed, something clattered. "Huh?" Little grey disks at her feet. She picked one up, it had a single line raised on it's center, it looked a little like a Mario coin. It didn't feel like metal, though. Is this money? She collected the few that she found on the ground and put them in her-


Right, women's clothing... No pockets. Well... they could live in the rock house until she got a bag.


She ran through her little obstacle course again: jump swing, tingle, jump, swing land and clatter. "Hm?" Grey coins, didn't she grab these? She collects them and dumps them on her mattress.


Jump, swing, tingle- "Ok what is that?"


She grabs the black cord dangling from up above. A tingling builds up inside her as she holds it. Frankly it's a little hard to distinguish from the other nameless sensations building up inside her but one thing at a time. the cord has pooled on the floor and is partially hidden under the metallic grey cooling unit. 


She collects it with both hands until she hears a loud crackle of electricity and drops it with a yelp.


"Um?" She gingerly taps the wire with the back of her hand. It tingles to touch but doesn't hurt. She grabs it again, and lifts it until she can see the exposed end of it. "I was swinging on a live power line like Tarzan." 


"But, but shouldn't this... hurt?" She lifted the tingling wire until she had a foot of cable remaining, she tapped the back of her hand to it, felt a stronger tingle, but no zap. "Huh, maybe a fuse tripped?" She touched the wire to the AC unit. A loud zap informed her that it was indeed live!


Heart pounding in her chest, she grabbed the end in her fist. The tingling built up inside of her, rising until it could not be contained. Until electricity arced between her fingers, until she could simply point and will it forth. A bolt of blinding bright lightning arced into the concrete roof some distance away, leaving a scorch mark in its wake.


She blinked. Took a breath, let the power build in her, released the cord and walked up to the lip of the building, putting on foot on it. She raised her hands to the heavens.



The thunder that punctuated her statement brooked no argument to the contrary.


Electricity runs through Rorch like blood, each and every machine drinking it hungrily to sustain themselves. The lives it has touched are left bewildered at the infinite possibilities of the power that runs silently and invisibly through the copper wires.


Hours passed, she mostly spent it jumping on things, cackling like a madwoman and coming to the disturbing realization that the universe was paying her to be cool! Releasing a small bounty of small grey coins ant her feet each time she finished a cool parkour sequence. Because why not at this point?

Once she knew to pay attention to it she could identify the feeling of the building combo, and the release as she touched the floor. So she could generate infinite money, sort of. Her problem was one as old as time itself: she wasn't cool enough.

she didn't have grappling hooks, or skateboards or a wing suit. All devices that she saw other runners had. She knew she couldn't avoid social interaction forever, but she was hoping that she could put it off until she found somebody who spoke English.

That wasn't the only thing she was putting off. The different time in this city let her ignore it for a while, but there was no denying it now: she was very sleepy.


What were her options? She could try to sleep on a random roof, which sounded both very dangerous and very exposed to random roof jumpers. So that was out.

She could try Earth. There were plenty of out of the way nooks she could sleep in. Maybe one of the dorms was unoccupied, she could try that.

Or. Or she could trust her rock house.

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