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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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"Oh god I'm a panty thief."


"It's for a good cause though, I intend to wear them."


Wait, that's worse!


Ugh! Nevermind. She is still naked and has the power to remedy that right now! With a thought she is back in her rock home. She really needs a better name for it.


"Haha! Yes! The perfect crime!" She flops backwards onto her bed, her arms filled with her sick loot. "Ok! Let's see... Socks, shirt... skirt, skirt! And bra, cardigan, shoes, panties. Ok that's everything I think!"


There is an electric anticipation as each article of clothing comes on, dampened only slightly when the bra refuses to fit on properly. As expected, honestly. "So this is what an ill-fitting bra feels like, huh? She notes with some satisfaction that the cups are too small, but the band is too wide. "What size is this anyway?" She unhooks it and takes a look at the tag.

That's not Japanese. Or Korean. Or Chinese for that matter. "What the hell? What the heck am I looking at." The writing is very obviously related to Japanese, but its wrong. The general aesthetic of the characters is different enough that even she can tell. And Japanese will usually write down the numbers for measurements like this.


It's a little hard to focus on that, though. She is wearingskirt. She does a little spin. It twirls!


This is not a drill!

She giggles maniacally as she spins some more.

"Ha! Hahahaha! Heehee!" She tumbles backwards onto her bed, kicking her feet in the air. "Oh whoops!" She holds up her skirt a bit before giving up. She hugs herself and rolls side to side, wrapping herself in the bed sheet.


"Wah!" She tumbles gracelessly to the floor wrapped in a heap of fabric.


"Ow, haha... whoopsie daisy." She's cocooned up good, it takes almost a minute of struggling to free herself from the fabric. "Whew, ok!" She can't stop smiling. She shakes it out over the bed, replacing the-


She jumps back, recoiling from silken fabric like its white hot. "The fuck?" She shouts. Her head spins around, like on a swivel, she has to brush her hair out of her face. "Wait, my hair is dry? But it was still...?" She shakes her head. "One crisis at a time! Was somebody here? Hello?"


The smooth stone walls do not reply. They hold no judgement no opinion and no answer, they only serve their function.


"Jeeves?" Nothing, no answer. She gingerly picks up a corner of the sheet between her fingers, inspecting it. It looks like the old bed sheet, its clean and dry, so how did it make its way back? Did it teleport? Or is this a new sheet entirely? The bed was made, so it had to have been placed there deliberately. Maybe she missed somebody coming over and fixing up the bed.


She should leave a note. She'll need paper and something to write with, that might not be too hard to get, she could talk to someone? She probably doesn't speak the language. Well... she doesn't know that. She could be in the Americas and the bra she swiped just happened to belong to a foreign student, so she should check. It'll be awkward if nobody understands her, but its not like she'll die. The actual worst thing that could happen is that she's trespassing and somebody calls the cops. Honestly, that's probably fine, sure she looks distinctive, but its not like anyone can catch her, she can teleport for Pete's sake! Maybe the first thing to do is figure out what the limits on her clairvoyance is.


Her perspective jumps back to the dorm room she was just in. It seems like her clairvoyance's perspective starts at whichever point she last left. She pushes her perspective through the door and into the hallway. It's clean, the construction looks recent, it lacks that deterioration that older buildings have. Nobody in the hallways. She keeps going, out of the dorms and back to the building with all the classrooms. It's fun, just being able to explore like this, clipping through walls and floors. At one point she emerges through a wall only to be greeted with a face an inch from her.


The girl jumped. "Nandeska?" She yelped, looking around for the source of the noise, her gaze passing over the clairvoyance perspective like it wasn't there.


Oh balls. She thought.


The rest of the class turned to face her, wondering what the commotion was about. At least this answered whether she could be seen while doing this, good grief. Their speech sure sounded like Japanese, and the girl got up and bowed to apologize, so... But the writing on the chalkboard definitely wasn't Japanese! So where the fuck was she? Did they write different in different regions? Maybe that was it? And, now that she thought of it, where were the boys? Literally every single person in this room was a girl. Maybe this was an all girls academy.


She kept pushing, best to see if there was a distance limit. She crossed several more walls, passing through two more classes without a boy in sight, reinforcing her theory, and then she was outside again. It took several minutes of going in a single direction, but her sensor started to slow down. She strained, pushing it as far as she could, she got as far as the trees before it slowed down to enough of a crawl that she determined that that was good enough in terms of determining maximum range.


She exited her rock home, aiming for where her perspective was. She could feel that the starting point of this jump was way back in the dorms. A jump back and a second of focus confirmed that any point where she went out of her rock house would be her new starting point in terms of leaving it and clairvoyance.

She planted her feet firmly in the ground. She took a deep breath, tasting the cool wind, and set off.


Another day meets its ultimate end, dashed against the night sky. Its rebirth will come in time, its blazing harbinger rising just as inevitably as the girl will.

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