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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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"Y'know, if I was comfortable exploiting lonely people for money."

She shuddered in disgust. "Yeah, I don't think so."


It was a shame she didn't have a bra to slowly take off, her shirt would have to do. She wondered what her measurements were, she looked curvy enough, she had a pleasant hourglass figure.

She turned on the water, she knew how she was spending this shower.


Everything is right with the world.


"Ah, I never needed a shower so much in my life!" Warm water is balm for the soul. If only she could find a bath, she could do that thing where you seductively lift a leg out of the water.

And then another girl walks in and she blushes and looks away! Oh it could be so perfect.


"I'll need a bath for that. And a girlfriend. And if I'm going to own a bath I'm going to need an ID, and a bank account, and a job... Well, I guess I could do cool stunts for cash, trade for things in robot city and come back, but... is it even possible to exist in a house without ID? Could I pay in cash?"

No. If she thought about it the real first step is getting her bearings. She has to figure out where on Earth she is before she makes any other plans.


Thankfully there was a towel, despite everything else being barren. This was way more hair than she was used to. How was one supposed to deal with long hair like this? Did she need a brush? Or a hair dryer? Would that make her frizzy? She was actually invested in her hair looking nice now! She didn't want to ruin it!


She slipped on her clothes. She could really use a new outfit, the thigh high socks were great and all, but options are nice.

She folded the towel back on the rack, and un-jammed the chair from under the doorknob. Leaving it in just felt rude to those who had unwittingly housed her.

"Ok! Where the fuck actually am I?"


Aggressive use of her teleportation was used to make her way from landmark to landmark. She had found two colleges already, a little commercial area and a couple of parks. Her method was simple, just teleport a bunch and use her clairvoyance to get her bearings by looking up from high above.

She quickly found another college, a commercial area that looked completely empty, a park...


...another college, another park, another empty commercial area, a beach...


...another college? That was... that was too many colleges, right? And she hadn't seen a single man around. Every shop she found was closed, but the colleges were all packed. She guessed that made sense if everyone was in college, but...

She found her way back to the beach. It didn't look too weird, but... was the horizon supposed to look like that? She moved her perspective upwards, as far as she could, and she actually spotted the coast on the other side. On all sides actually.

"Wait what?" She teleported by the water. "This is a lake!" She stepped in enough to bend over, wet her hand and lick it. "It's salty! Is this a sea! Is this a very tiny sea? Japan doesn't have anything like this, does it?"


"Where the fuck am I?"


The sea has no answers, for it is but a simple body of water that can't have opinions about whether it belongs in Japan or not.


"Ok, ok, ok, maybe I'm just in some weirdo, ritzy, freakishly large university district." That... sounded vaguely plausible. She still had her internal compass, it still pointed to robot city. She should just move away from that, she'll find proper civilization eventually.



A hole, like a tremendous bite was taken out of the building two floors high. Every girl in the vicinity very studiously ignored it, nobody acknowledged it. Oily black tar coated the edges of the destruction, a trail of it led into the trees. Translucent black figures carried boards and cleaned tar. Nobody acknowledged them either.

Whatever had caused the destruction, and left that trail, had obviously passed by the trees and two of them had snapped in its wake.


She teleported there, numbly, she walked towards the sight of the destruction. Filth tainted the walls inside like rot, the contrast between the clean and idyllic locations and this was palpable. There was a feeling, a dread, clinging to the putrid air, like, like...


There is no future for us. Maybe not even apart, but certainly not together.


She has to get out of here, she has to...

A bloodcurdling scream. She has teleported before she can even think to do otherwise.


Its emotions ring true. It feels something real. It feels what no amount of denial can smother.


Pitch black, with broken red eyes peering through the seeping darkness, gigantic, looming over the screaming girl. There are gaps in its thin arms, the whole right elbow is missing, but the arm stays an arm all the same. It crawls on two arms towards its crying victim.

A bolt of lightning connects girl with monster. It recoils, and again as she fires a second, third and fourth times before she's out of juice.


It recovers. She clenches her fists. She has no plan, but she has its attention. Her heart pounds to the beat of survival as she waits for it to commit to a move.

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