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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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No! She can't stay here forever! If she stays in here she could suffocate, and if she falls asleep almost naked in the rain she could freeze! There has to be a better way!


And she will drag her perfect ass across a mile of cheese graters before she lets that bland-ass mana cracker be her last meal!


Solutions! It's gone now but she had a sense of direction towards somewhere feminine when she was by the fire.

"Yes, I will let myself be guided by my... by my..." she struggled for a second before coming to a realization. " feminine intuition!" She said, manic grin spreading across her face. "Perfect!"


"But what do I do about light?" That little incandescence inside of her, perhaps now was the time to try something with it.


She focused again. This time peering inwards. That little something inside of her responded to her will. With effort she pushed, and pushed, and finally, some of it was pushed outside of her.


An ember of Azoth. Ready to pull in more of its kind.


It is small. It is very small.


"Well, this is definitely a lot closer to dragon ball than I ever expected to get. But, well, not to be a choosy beggar or anything, I really like being able to emit any sort of cosmic energy out of my hands, regardless of quantity!" She holds the flickering mote up to the wall, frowning at the lack of illumination. "But I somehow doubt that the light of this will even reach the floor while I'm standing."


Taking one last look around, she tugs the bed sheet around herself before jumping back. Her surroundings shift, and her world is a wet deluge once more. Holding out her tiny light, she set off.


As expected, the bed sheet does little to protect her from the rain. In mere minutes it is soaked through, clinging to her skin. A glance downwards helpfully informs her that while she isn't naked by the strictest definition, that reasoning wouldn't hold up in court with a jury of her peers.

Dear lord, perhaps a wet t-shirt contest was in her future?


No! she thought. Focus! You are in pitch blackness in the rain with nothing but this tiny speck of life-flame to provide you with visibility! You could trip! Or fall down some stairs! Or someone-


When the Azoth leaves you and the will to go on fades, so will you.

The faded, the miserable, the catatonic. Everyone joins their ranks eventually. This groan in the darkness hungers.


It is dark, she can't see the fire anymore. And she can't see into the darkness to see what made that noise. Theoretically she should put her light out to remain out of sight, but the thought of pitch black stops her. Instead she waves it around, holding the mote of light out in a desperate bid to get any useful information about her potential assailant. She hears it groan again.


"What!" She screams into the void as fear and anger boil over. "I got ran over by a car and I'm fine! You think your weak ass scares me? I am not putting up with this shit anymore! You want a piece of me? I'll fucking kill you!" She rips off her cloak, wrapping it around itself and her hands until its a thick cord.


"C'mon." She hisses, straining her ears for any kind of sound. She can barely hear it over the rain, but sharpened by adrenaline, she just barely makes out footsteps. Her stance widens, she steps away from the sound slowly and deliberately. Under these conditions she will absolutely slip and fall if she's not careful, she can't afford that right now.


It sees the ember, it sees the light, it sees the life.


It emerges into view. A person, with sunken pits for eyes, and warped pink skin. Only a few pathetic rags cling to its emaciated form. It reaches out a hand, swiping angrily at her.

She blocks with the cord, bouncing it off and shifting position to its side. She realizes that she has no real plan of attack, the cord between her hands is not really a weapon she knows how to use. She opts to back up, plant her feet and wait.


Sluggishly, it turns around, and once again tries to attack her. She lunges into it.

When someone doesn't know what they are doing, a punch they throw will only involve moving their arm really fast. A real punch puts a person's whole body weight into it, their whole body lunging forward in tandem with the fist.

Her weight had recently fallen considerably, but hopefully...


She only felt a bit of pain as the thing's hand vaguely slapped her rib and clumsily slid past her lunge. The fist connected solidly with its face as it tumbled face down on the ground. Before it could recover she threw herself on top of it, wrapping the improvised garrote around its neck and pulling with all the strength she could manage. "C'mon! Go to sleep!" She hissed.

It thrashed as it tried to dislodge her. She tried not to think about the feeling of its skin or the choking sounds it made as it tried in vain to breathe.


It took what felt like an eternity. Maybe it actually had been an eternity, trapped between one minute and the next. Maybe she was still there, still choking out whatever semblance of life clung to the broken man. 

It wouldn't explain the corpse at her feet though, that was a pretty big hole in that theory.


"Fuck." She whispered.


"Ok, ok, ok." She shakes open her bed sheet, it is heavy with water and stained in blood. On pure impulse she tosses it into the darkness as hard as she can. "Ok!"


Her mind grinds to a halt as she finds herself on hands and knees. She slams her fist into the stone as hard as she can, the pain is centering. "I don't have to be here." she mutters. "I just want a change of clothes, and a shower, and to stop being so fucking wet and to be able to see more than two feet in front of me!" she shouts.

She focuses, trying to lock on to wherever her sense of direction is pointing her to. It's hard, it takes her almost a minute of trying to get a grasp of her destination, but at this point the benefits of teleportation without knowing where she was going outweighed the risks in her eyes.


Gokigenyou Academy of Purity welcomes young girls to its facilities, free to learn in a happy, healthy and safe environment.


She gestures to the heavens. "Sweet merciful god the Sun!" She points to her feet. "Grass!" She gestures to the large building ahead. "Civi-"

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