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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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She walks up to the bookcase and picks up the lone object on the stone shelves.


"Aw heck yeah, tome of forbidden knowledge baby! Let's go!" The tome is red and coated in something velvety, with gold filigree. She cracks it open.



"It's complete gibberish!" She wails.


No, no, not gibberish, the letters are vaguely familiar, even if they are pretty weirdly shaped. She makes out several letters... "Ah... Az... Azoph? Athoph?" There is something about it that makes her think that the phonology at work here could be read if she...


"Is this Old English?!" That's worse than gibberish! She's going to spend the rest of her days deciphering this goddamned tome!


"No, no, no, come on, I'm sure that somebody, somewhere can translate Old English! It has happened before! I mean, look at Beowulf! Is Beowulf written in Old English? It precedes English, doesn't it?"

She flips through some of the silky feeling pages. It's not paper, maybe its vellum or parchment? She spots an illustration of a man having his tongue removed. She suddenly has an idea of what's written in this thing.


She gingerly closes the book. "Well... at least this is proof that books exist." She sighs. "I should probably decipher it, if I can. I need more information on the world I'm in, and this is literally the best source of information I have found."

Should she put it in her backpack? She's a little afraid of damag-


She teleports to her rock house, puts the book on a shelf, and then teleports back. "One day I'll stop forgetting that I am in possession of vast supernatural powers."


"But today is not that day!" She marches onwards, The rest of the rooms aren't too noteworthy. Many more cells, of course, with some more prisoners. A furnace, and some tools, it looks like a smelter. It's cold right now, but she spots a couple of objects bundled in soft white cloth on the shelves.

She frowns. "Please don't be disgusting." She gingerly uncovers the smaller of the two objects with an arrow, beneath the cloth are three ingots of silvery metal. "Huh. Well ok." She wraps it up and sends it to her rock house before taking a peak at the other one. "Two for two?"


A sword, in an ornate looking red sheath. "Sword!" She drops the arrow and grabs it, dramatically unsheathing it and holding it aloft. "It's so shiny." A two edged straight sword like something a medieval knight would wield. The cross-shaped hilt seemed to be decorated with gold, but otherwise had a very simple aesthetic, in contrast with the sheath. "Cool!" She wrapped the sheath around her back.


"Watch out! I'm armed." She motions to put the sword back in its sheath on her back, and misses.


She misses again. "Uh, hold on, maybe if I- Ow!" She hisses at the new cut on her neck.


She panics for a second before she feels that its shallow and she's not actually going to die like this. "Oh god." She hangs the sheath by her side instead. "Link makes this shit look so easy."


A sword though, in perfect condition. Perfect for reinforcing with purple flames. Now she just needs to find more, and then she can have her magic weapon.


There was still plenty to explore. She'd like to take out the other spooky bell things, but she's not sure how to take them out in melee without letting their bells ring first. She figures she can let them be for now, they've only deviated from their patrol to deal with her.

One of the doors leads to stairs leading further down. She should check that out.

She hasn't really thought too deeply about it, but when she came back to life she had everything that she had on her. How does that work? How do the fires determine what is "on her person" anyway? In almost all media she know of that has some sort of teleportation the teleportee nearly always has their clothes on. Teleporting naked is usually the exception, more as a 'Well doy, your clothes aren't part of you!' but even then its still weird.

She starts hearing a banging, like a hammer striking an anvil.

Hair and nails aren't alive, but they come with you, so does your gut bacteria, and your fluids, how does it know? The information has to come from somewhere, is it reading her mind? It's not like her brain has a perfect record of each and every cell in her body, so it would have to fill in the gaps, which implied a scary amount of understanding of her thoughts and feelings. Or maybe this world was very weird. Maybe she carries some sort of metaphysical record of her being, and the fire uses that to put her together again.

The stairs come to an end at a long corridor, through the darkness she sees doorways to either side.


The coppery smell of blood suffuses the air down here. The hair on the back of her neck sticks up, this is not a place to be.

She tries to be systematic, going from door to door, right to left, back to front. The first room has a stone table stained with dried blood, with manacles bolted on. She really didn't want to think about the instruments that were scattered around. The next room just has manacles on a wall and dried blood all over the floor, leading to a drain. The next room has a wheel-

She averts her eyes. She barely glances at the next room. She doesn't look into the next one.

The clanging gets louder as she approaches what she can only guess is the end of the corridor. She can see glimpses of a purple and orange light.


Her hands are trembling. She takes a step, another.

And she can't take another. Her breathing is shaky, her heart pounds in her ears. She hears voices, breathing between the hammer strikes. They ring in her ears.

She wants to throw up. She can't think, if she thinks, she will think of the implications and she will understand. So she does not think, and lets the thrum of her heartbeat wash away every thought.


She clenches her teeth, she balls her fists. She is a magical girl, she is supposed to vanquish evildoers. This is what evil looks like. It has to be erased, and if is to be erased, right here and right now, she is going to have to be the one to do it.

She hums a familiar tune. Fighting evil by moonlight...


Her steps echo in tempo with the beat of the metal.

...Winning love by daylight...


She draws her sword, the clanging is louder, the wailing is clearly audible.

...Never running from a real fight...



She approaches the threshold.

...She is the one named Sailor-!


The strength leaves her. Her arms fall to her sides, the fire of a furnace illuminates the room. A giant creature, built like a hairless, musclebound gorilla is hunched over a table, hammering something white hot.

The walls, there are spikes on the walls, angled upwards. So that gravity would be sufficient to keep the squirming prisoners in place. The ones closest to the working giant are missing everything above the chest, arms, shoulders, neck and head. Those ones aren't moving.

She is frozen, she can't breathe. A hammer strike comes, and it pauses for longer than normal, then turns. It spots her.

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