There was still plenty to explore. She'd like to take out the other spooky bell things, but she's not sure how to take them out in melee without letting their bells ring first. She figures she can let them be for now, they've only deviated from their patrol to deal with her.
One of the doors leads to stairs leading further down. She should check that out.
She hasn't really thought too deeply about it, but when she came back to life she had everything that she had on her. How does that work? How do the fires determine what is "on her person" anyway? In almost all media she know of that has some sort of teleportation the teleportee nearly always has their clothes on. Teleporting naked is usually the exception, more as a 'Well doy, your clothes aren't part of you!' but even then its still weird.
She starts hearing a banging, like a hammer striking an anvil.
Hair and nails aren't alive, but they come with you, so does your gut bacteria, and your fluids, how does it know? The information has to come from somewhere, is it reading her mind? It's not like her brain has a perfect record of each and every cell in her body, so it would have to fill in the gaps, which implied a scary amount of understanding of her thoughts and feelings. Or maybe this world was very weird. Maybe she carries some sort of metaphysical record of her being, and the fire uses that to put her together again.
The stairs come to an end at a long corridor, through the darkness she sees doorways to either side.