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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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I am going to die. The thought is visceral, the giant springs into action, grabbing something and charging her. She immediately turns around and bolts. She runs as fast as she can, and when she hears the tone of a bell she dodges to the side immediately, very narrowly avoiding the speeding projectile. She can hear it approach, dodging has cost her precious distance, so on a gamble she spins and swings the sword behind her. She missed.


It grabs her, she struggles to get loose but it is too strong. It walks towards one of the rooms.


She can barely breathe. "No!" She gasps.


A little peace and quiet can be soothing to the soul.


"Fuck!" She pounds her fist into the floor.


She collapses on the bed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Her breath hitches, her tears stains her sleeves.


She breathes. She is still here. "I have to fight it."


She grabs her sword. She has an idea, but she'll have to be quick. Her hand moves to her flashlight, then hesitates.

She turns it off, then peeks into the darkness, it has moved back to the forge. She can do this. She gets ready to attack, then teleports.


"Rah!" The sword bites into its heel, it shudders and groans in pain as it swings its arm around to try to retaliate but she has already teleported away.

"Hey! I'm back!"


She makes a point of running into one of the doors, then going back to rock house, then she uses her clairvoyance to aim a teleport at the forge. She grabs a poker that's been sitting in the fire, she eyes the white hot tip and steels herself for what she must do. She goes to the rock house and aims.


It searches for her, the green light of its bell illuminates it, and allows her to aim. She breathes in, lunges then teleports in the middle of the motion.


"Die!" In one instant it is searching for her, the next something hot and painful has put an end to binocular vision. It thrashes for long enough that she can teleport out of range of the paralyzing ring of the bell.

She teleports above it, stabbing downwards as she falls. The sword plunges into his back. "What's wrong, does it hurt? Poor baby!"


She manages to teleport away again before it can retaliate. "Is this too complicated for you? Do I need to slow down?"

It groans as it turns around, it launches another orb of green light at her, but she dodges easily. Its aim has suffered for some reason, she couldn't tell you why.

It holds the bell up defensively as it slowly moves away from her.

It's scared.


She walks backwards into the darkness. It sees what she is doing and tries to move to keep her in sight, but she has already teleported away. She grins savagely as she sees it looking for her through the connection.


The warden hears the giggle of the small girl. He moves quickly, but cautiously, he is ready to inflict his Tone upon her at the slightest provocation. Perhaps it is a trick, he cannot be certain of the girl's position, he tries to hold his catalyst so that it may shield his face, and tries to move so that his blind spots are covered.

In words he doesn't understand: "I'm over here." Behind. In the extraction room. The sound of scraping metal to his left. Giggling to his right. Silence.

He slowly backs away towards his workshop. A sound of sizzling and then darkness, his furnace! He rushes towards it.

It has been extinguished. His light is the only light keeping the dark at bay, he stretches out his arm, as if that could banish more of the darkness. And then, just barely out of sight, he spots the branding iron, tip bright enough that when she holds it up to her face he can make out the promise of pain etched in her smile.

His hand trembles, and she vanishes. One mistake and he will end her, one mistake and he can break every bone in her body and inflict upon her the pain that will silence her mind. He can-

A clang of metal beside him, he reacts immediately, swiveling and delivering the tone.

Only instants too late to realize his mistake.


Her slash opens the torturer's throat and she jumps back to avoid a potential counter, but none comes. The monster collapses to the ground, blood pooling around it. The light of the bell fades and darkness takes hold.

She breathes, then teleports to rock home. She lets the running water fall upon her sword until it is free of blood, then she dries it on the bedsheet. She goes back, and turns on her flashlight back on. She takes a steadying breath, then holds up her hand and pulls the flames out of the body. There is so much of it she can barely believe it, far, far more than what she got from the robed one.

"Ok." She turns to the workshop. She's going to have to free them. And loot the place blind, of course.


An hour later and she finds herself staring at the fire again.


More ingots, more bells. She killed the other two gliding bell wielders, and took their flames. After some consideration she opted to keep the bells. She wrapped them in cloth and has them on a shelf back in rock house. Disgusting or not, if she could learn how to wield them, it would be very useful to her. There are probably instructions in the book she found. She figures that the origin is unethical, but if the deed is already done, then she might as well use it? It feels wrong, and she can tell that the incentives here are very bad, but...

She reserves the right to chuck everything in a volcano at a later date though. She still might. She sighs. She still hasn't done anything with her new windfall of inner fire. She knows she should just use it, since she is at risk of losing it upon death. But there are too many places she could put it in. Does she make herself stronger? More durable? Faster? Swifter? Maybe she fortifies her sword? Or maybe she just keeps it and throws it at people as a weapon, she knows she could, if she tried, even if it seems like a waste.


She gets up and stretches. "Ah, goodness. I think I need a break from fighting." Well, she was planning on mapping out Lesbos. Taking a few days to get started on that seemed like a fine idea. She deposited all of her stuff back to her private rocky demiplane, then focused for a minute while she pinpointed Lesbos, then made a jump.


Your day comes to a close, a new chapter in your life lays ahead of you.


Whatever challenges these new worlds threw at her, she'd face them head on.

"I'm a goddamned, honest to goodness magical girl baby!"

Here Ends This Thread
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