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Trans magical girl survives dangerous world by going full gremlin mode.
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"-li-" Her hands shoot down to cover her crotch. As an afterthought one goes up to cover her chest.


"-zation." She finishes. 

"...maybe I shouldn't have thrown the bed sheet." This jump might've been a more lateral move than she had hoped.


"I guess I'm back on Earth?" She looks around. "I have no idea where I am."

She tries to jump back to her cave home.


It is as it was left.


"Oh good, that still works. So I can come back and forth here whenever I want. But if I want to go back to the pitch black place I need to find a specific spot." She thought about it for a second. "Do I actually know that? I think that the dark place only had one spot that I could tell where I could come here through, but for all I know I can always go back from anywhere, I should check." She almost jumped back before she stopped herself.


No, you absolute dingdong! You need clothes! Focus!


The sheet was long gone, but maybe the mattress? Properly eviscerated, it could make for some sort of modesty concealing technology! She grabbed at it, tugging with all her might. "C'mon! Yield to me! I command you!"


"Hah, hah, hah, dammit, its no use. I can't. But I have to cover myself! I can't let my first contact with human civilization as a girl be in the nude! I'll be put on a list! Just like those people who pee in public because they have literally nowhere else to go!"


She thinks about it for a second.


"Which, while accurate, is not the image I want to present!"


"Ok, ok, think! There must be hours worth of air in this pocket, plenty of time to think of a clothing acquisition strategy!"

The mattress was a no go, unless she could find something sharp, maybe a rock off the ground? The building was obviously a no go since there was no way she could walk in in broad daylight-


"Dumbass! You can teleport!"


"Why am I like this?"

Whatever. There are more options now. Depending on what kind of building it is maybe she could sneak in somehow."


"And do what? If there's a kitchen I could borrow a knife? And eviscerate this mattress. But, if its some kind of store and there are clothes..."


"...I could steal them."


"No one would ever know."


Her standards thus risen, she decided that the only acceptable outcome was one where she ended up fully clothed. For now though...

She adjusted her hair to properly cover her chest. "There, now its tasteful rather than gratuitous. I'm like 30% positive that those are the correct legal terms."


She focused once more, taking a peak through the... portal? The portal.


It was an odd sensation, her point of view had a wider angle of view than she did, but it felt natural. But she seemed to be struggling with depth perception. She pushed it, it was a little like flexing a muscle you only found out you had recently, definitely weird. She directed it to move upwards. It was kinda slow, but she was able to get a decent bird's eye view of the area. There was a central collection of buildings, surrounded by meticulously manicured lawn pierced by stone paths. It was flanked by trees, and then more lawn. There were bicycles, a delivery truck, she couldn't find any cars. In fact, once she noticed, it was hard not to notice the weird absence of vehicles.

The fact that there was a delivery truck but no buses or cars gave her pause. It pointed to something sinister, but they wouldn't have so many bikes, right? If you were determined to get away from a cult or something a bike stolen at night could cut it.


A thought for later. She pushed her sensor closer. It took almost a minute to get it close enough, but she could peak through the open windows, it looked like...


"A school?" It was a pretty big campus, maybe it was a college? Or a boarding school of some kind? She was hoping for a dormitory she could break into. This building seemed to just be classrooms and a cafeteria, but the neighboring building? Dormitories. She established to her satisfaction that the first room was girly enough for her liking and after checking the nearby perimeter she made her jump.


"Man," she whispered to herself. "This place is clean. I kinda expected college dorm rooms to be small disaster zones." Maybe she was just projecting.

She tip-toed her way to the dresser, gently pulling open a drawer. Welp, panties out of the way. She fished out some lacy white ones, and a bra to match it from the next one. She didn't bother looking at the sizes, she had no idea what her measurements were and she wasn't about to find out now. Either they would fit or they wouldn't. She was about to move on when she caught her own gaze in the mirror.


"Oh." She said. "I'm pretty. I'm very pretty."


No, crimes first! She opened drawers, carefully fishing out the components of a full outfit from drawers and closets, and do they have...?


Striped thigh-high socks! There is a god!

"Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" She very carefully made sure the room looked undisturbed, surely nobody in their right mind would break out their forensics for a common panty thief, right?

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