Temple in Cardverse
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"I was going to start with talking with them... manifest, like Flower was earlier, better to start with that than meditation. You could read my notes on magic while I do that."


"Oh. Flower didn't seem very forthcoming but alright."


"Well, before I wasn't thinking in terms of 'making friends because we have a world to save'." Temple says. "I kinda hope to minimize the disconfort they would feel while we use them for that."

He shows Sadde's the file with his notes, ideas and results on magic. Sadde can't say Temple lacked ideas, but they're all over the place, there are several dozens of experiments that he thought about but just didn't perform. One could assume he got distracted by doing an experimenting and then thinking of new experiments to do based on the results and the list got progressively longer.

After leaving Sadde at the computer, Temple summons Flower, activating the card with the staff as per Cerberus's instructions. "Flower! Please come forth so we can talk!"


There she is.


"Hi, Flower! Cerberus explained some things and apparently we have to save the world. I am not sure yet how you can help, but are you okay with helping?"


She nods and curtsies.


"Thank you! I promise to be nice as best I can to you! Cerberus said you like fun and pretty things, is that correct?"


She grins and twirls, making a few rose petals appear out of thin air.


Temple giggles. "This is so cool. Can you make me a flower crown? Something with blue petals and no thorns?"


Yes she can! There it is.


Temple is delighted with his flower crown.

"Thank you, Flower! I will get Glow next."

Can Temple keep both The Flower and The Glow up at same time? If not he will say "see you soon!" to Flower and summon Glow alone.


He can!

The Glow is really small. It is about the size of his hand.


Aaaw. "Hello, glow! I'm Temple and apparently I need to save the world, would you like to help with that?"


She shrugs.


"You're neutral about that? Can I still get your help anyway?"


She nods.


"Thank you! I promise to be nice either way."

He will try Jump next, and if he can't keep three cards active he will try Jump and Windy or just Jump if those two fail.


Jump is a pink rabbit thing.


Temple introduces himself again and asks for help in saving the world, and promises getting Jump the thing it wants regardless of the world saving business.





It scratches an ear with a hind paw.


"Can you understand me?"


It twitches its nose and looks around.


"Okay, I will try figure out how much of a rabbit you are later. But I hope you understood I'm friendly."

Dismiss, Jump. Windy is next. Similar introduction.


She smiles and bows.


"So, I don't know if you tried to get the cards away from me because you were scared, but I will try my best to be nice to each one of them."

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