Temple in Cardverse
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"No, I just said, I'm the guardian beast."


"So you don't get bored or anything?"

Still, to Temple this sounds like a nightmarish existence. He is strongly considering that Clow must have been evil.


"Why would I get bored? I was guarding the Cards."


Temple will quietly file the notion this poor living plushy has Stockholm syndrome or is the victim of brainwashing. Or just the plain trauma of being trapped for a century. Poor Cerberus.

"Okay... you said the book and the key would know who was worthy to be a cardcaptor... Is there a way to use that to test for potential cardcaptors?" He points at Sadde. "Is he worthy?"


"It already decided on you."


Temple facepalms. "Oh, shit."


Sadde pats Temple's shoulder. "Is there anything else we should know about this cardcaptor business?"


"I don't think so."


"Should I just get over with it?" Temple asks no one in particular.


"I guess."


"Fine. Okay, Cerberus. What do I have to do?"


The small sphere of blue light reappears inside the lock and floats out, revealing the small key. "Key of the Seal, there is someone wishing for a contract with you. A boy! His name is Temple. O, Key, grant him the power. RELEASE!"

His surroundings are replaced by a black void, the only things present being himself, Cerberus, the Key, Sadde, and a glowing circle much like the one on the back of the Clow Cards where the "ground" should be. A strong wind starts pressing against Temple as the Key starts glowing again, almost too bright to look at.


Temple tries his best to not look away. Is he supposed to reach for the Key or something? Temple reaches for the Key.

(He will make the anime comparisons in the back of his head.)


The Key grows and changes shape, becoming a staff.

"Now, Temple! Grab it!"

The wind is stronger, coming from the magical floating staff in the middle of the circle, working against Temple's attempt at doing it.


What the duck, he mouths.


Temple fights against the wind and succeeds. He grabs the staff and holds it tightly.

(He isn't looking at Sadde, but he would agree with the sentiment.)


The wind stops. Temple's room is back. The magic is gone. He is holding a pink staff. "Yes! You are now a cardcaptor!"



Most. Unmotivated. "Yay". Ever.

"So, what now?"


"What do you mean?"


"I now have this fetching pink staff to capture cards. How do I use it?"


"Oh. You have to want it to become a key for it to become a key, and to say 'The Key which hides the powers of the Dark, show your true powers before me. I, Temple, command you under our contract. Release!' to turn it back."


"How very wordy. How does he find Cards?"


"When a Card becomes active he can meditate to find it."


"Meditate? Can't I just use the compass spell for that?"


"Compass spell?"

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