Temple in Cardverse
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"Yeah. I invented it yesterday and that is how we found the book."


"That might work... But you still should meditate to connect with the Cards."


"What does connecting with the cards do? Also, can the key be stolen?"


"You need to have a good relationship with them. The key can be stolen, but it will only work for you."


"Are they people? Did I just sign up for slave owner ship to save the world?"


"Um, what?"


"Do they have feelings and desires and memories and a personality and preferences about their own state and existence and things that happen to them..."




Temple facepalms again. "Anyway can I make the experience of being less horrifying to them?"




"Most people don't like the idea of being trapped and being used by others as tools... granted, most people also wouldn't want to stay inside a book. What kinds of things do the cards want? And why a book by the way? A box would've worked just fine, no need to cut holes in the paper."


"It depends on the Card. They want to be useful and cared for."


"Okay... Do you know that for individual cards? How do I take care of them?"


"Not really. They could tell you."


"Do I need to meditate for that? Flower didn't or couldn't talk, but was responsive to questions."


"Yes, you'll understand how to communicate with them better."


"This is some magical meditation, right?"




"How does the magical meditation work, how long does it take?"


"You need to relax and focus on your magic and the Cards, and it takes as long as you want it to."


"I mean, it sounds like getting into the proper mindset would take some time. And before doing that it would be a good idea to ask more questions... like, we got some cards already. What could you tell us about them?"

Temple holds ups his cards: The Windy, The Flower, The Glow, The Jump, and The Twin. Presumably Sadde will do the same with The Change, The Shield and The Through.


"Windy's nice and one of the most powerful of Cards. She's usually very kind and gentle and likes helping."


Temple shows The Flower next.


He continues going down the list. Flower's pretty chill, she likes dancing and having fun and making pretty things. Glow's the same, they're friends. Jump likes exercise, if Temple uses it a lot it'll be happy. The Twin is mischievous and likes playing pranks, but doesn't really care much about being used and will just sit there contentedly. Change wants to change stuff! In general! It really likes doing that. Shield doesn't have much in the way of a personality or desires. Through is also mischievous and would like to play pranks more often than Twin.


"Is Change as comprehensive as the name implies? Can it be used to change things permanently? Turn base metals into gold?"

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