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zoriana goes to purgatory
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"I have a scroll but I don't have a destination."


"Want to know a secret? Don't tell Axis."


"I won't."


"If you have enough spare blood you don't need a proper destination. Think of somewhere you want and you'll get somewhere like it, just … lighter. You can channel, I trust you'll patch me up if I'm bleeding out."


(There are noises on the other side of the door.)


"What would a safe place around here look like and how do you feel about recapture versus death."


"I am dead but I would love to sleep forever or go to Heaven. There are no safe places, not here or anywhere, but some of the toilets don't get angel visitors often - they'd have human visitors, though - or one of the rooms with a pool of boiling water in it, and chains for keeping people from getting out of the pools - they just stick you there and leave you for a long time, so they might not look. But after they melt the door, once they find us all gone they might look everywhere, so I guess there might not be anywhere safe at all."


Zoriana grabs Marie and Cayden and very firmly visualizes a room with a pool of boiling water and chains and no 'angels' and reads her scroll.


It's darker here, but not pitch black. Tiny lights drift through the air. Long dark hallways lead away from a room with a round pool of water in the center. Boiling hot water bubbles up in the center; it's slightly less terrible toward the edges. There are chains around the edge of the pool, for keeping people in and keeping their heads above water so they can't have the mercy of drowning. Most of the chains aren't in use.


But there is someone in the pool, occasionally moaning.


Cayden feels like he's partially embedded in a wall and when he pulls away not all of his skin comes with. (The wall looks fine, if a bit bloody.)


The woman they brought along appears to, among other issues, have a large rock where significant parts of the chest should be and be missing a key bit of neck.

Zoriana has some weird cuts and is shaking and feels like she might suffocate.

But she also has a holy symbol in her hand and some channel capacity left, so none of that really matters.


Wounds close, leaving those present with a very slight sense of anticipation.


The person in the pool stops moaning, orients for a second, and then is immediately distracted by the fact that the torture continues unabated.


Marie shivers.


Cayden rushes over to the person in the pool.


"I have a Liberating Command if you think they can use it!" A part of her wants to remind Cayden that he's not immune to being burned, but azatas aren't known for risk aversion.


There's no key in evidence for the lock on her chains. She doesn't seem super with-it, either.


Cayden is attempting to lift her somewhat out of the water and his arms are starting to blister.

"I don't think that's going to cut it! Come over here and use a hop?"


Zoriana rushes over and grabs onto the woman. Zoriana would like to teleport 5 feet away from the pool, is the woman willing to come with?


Well, she’s not against the idea, at any rate, but she is terrified and confused.


Good enough. Now nobody is in the water and the people who recently had at least some body parts in boiling water are being rained on. It's cool but not icy.


"Thank you, ma'am."


Zoriana cannot actually understand what she's saying but will offer an encouraging smile.


He … is going to go back to his usual humanoid form and outfit, actually. If he's going to try disguises it sounds like he'll hear the enemy before he sees them and he can change back then.

"She can't understand you but I can translate. Zoriana, she says thanks!"

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