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zoriana goes to purgatory
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Marie doesn't acknowledge the coconuts in any way. 


She kind of stares a little at Zoriana eating but doesn't take a coconut. 


"I'm pretty sure the coconuts are for everyone, it's not like Elysium has a food shortage." She glances towards the man.


He nods. "Tell me about where you were."


Marie waits for someone to mind-control her into eating the coconuts and does not take actions about this. 


She looks like she's not sure if she should answer or wait for Zoriana.


Zoriana is pretty sure that her rescuees are mostly frozen from delayed response to terror and talking thus defaults to being her job.

"The region we were in was underground. There were some permanent dancing lights or such but I didn't notice other ambient magic effects. These two seem to be the local type of petitioners. I only saw one local outsider type, very humanoid, wore robes, mostly fought using conjured lava, apparently enjoyed claiming to be angels. No quasits, no larvae, no dretches, no imps, no lemures. No daemons or undead either. According to this one the place is called Purgatory – it's not the Boneyard, though, that's for sure – and is supposed to be for training people for Heaven. Allegedly the local outsiders say they serve the creator of the universe, whose symbol is a cross with someone nailed to it."


"I'd like to Scry the azata present, do you have a connection for me?"


She hands over a lock of hair. "He's a gancanagh named Cayden, I don't know if you've met."


He's met several gancanaghs named Cayden, it's a popular name. He starts Scrying. If he gets disrupted he can try again.

"We may have. Are you familiar with the demon lord Sifkesh?"


"A bit. Her symbols are the crossed hands and the stitches, right? I didn't see any of that."


"Approximately. Could you draw the area for me, please?"


She sets down her coconut and gets out her notebook and starts sketching.


This is not what Vantian looks like.

"I don't think this is a Sifkesh project." He looks towards the petitioners. "Are either of you amenable to discussing where you came here from?"




"Obviously - or I guess I don't know how much you guys share strategies. Zoriana and Cayden have been enchanting me to do what they want, so obviously I'm up for whatever I'm made to be up for." Marie is so tired but not actually disapproving.


"Um." She looks at Marie, slightly alarmed. 


The raelis looks at Zoriana. "Is that so?"


"I didn't enchant her, I only used fear removal. Cayden used a few Suggestions but I really don't think he's in the habit of it and it's not an emergency anymore. I asked for a Dispel when we got here, I don't know what's happened with that."


Oh no do they have some objection to being nice when they don't have to?


"…right, the first thing Cayden Suggested she do was give an opinion on enchantments and she said that it's nice to control what your servants do so they don't upset you. I'm not used to this sort of thing, I don't raid Nidal or Hell! People in Irrisen are mostly normal!"


He'll pat Zoriana on the shoulder a bit. "Zoriana and Cayden and I are all broadly speaking allies, but I've never met Zoriana before and we probably don't have perfectly matching strategies. I am not going to hurt you and am very unlikely to be angry with you. If you want to leave or sleep or start shouting over me I am not going to be angry or stop you."


Well, providing a list of things that are fine is almost as good as mind control.

Marie hesitates for a second and then wryly yells  "IS THE SHOUTING MANDATORY OR JUST PERMITTED!?"


"Just permitted! I was listing things I could imagine someone thinking would make me angry but won't."


"It's very kind of you to do that. Is it okay if I just sit here until the next time someone wants me to do something?"

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