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zoriana goes to purgatory
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Zoriana gets on her feet and reaches for her weapon very quickly.


A robed humanoid opens the door and immediately shouts for backup.



Also, what's on the other side of the door? Now might be a good time to use Bull's Strength and Fly out with the woman.


It's a cave. It's for storing spare textiles. Through it there are more caves.

The "angel" is conjuring lava all around her now.


She's dealt with worse. She grabs the woman, teleports fairly far behind the angel with her, and then tags herself with Bull's Strength so that she can carry the woman next round.


That’ll put her much closer to this other angel who can also conjure lava and was coming to help the first one.


She’s faster than most humans and can make terrain not impede her and lava exposure that could kill a civilian isn’t enough to get her off her feet.

This woman is remarkably light and Zoriana can carry her and run.


Run where? She could head in the direction that second angel came from, or the direction yet another angel is coming from (with two... hellhounds? dogpeople? something), or the direction of some distant screaming and pleading.


She'll run towards the solo 'angel', teleport just past it, and throw shard gel at it while looking for a hiding spot.


How about inside that room with a solid metal door?


Sure. If it's occupied she can probably leave in a timely manner.


It is unoccupied. It has no light sources and no other doors or windows, but when the door is open on the way in, she can see a spiked chair in the center of the room and an assortment of other tools, some of which have innocuous uses. Someone seems to have left in the middle of cleaning the place; almost everything is either very recently cleaned or covered in dried blood. The door locks from the inside.


Marie mostly coherently tries to plead and pray and apologize in two languages at once but the spoken one isn't one of Zoriana's.


This is going to make this woman (…she should get her name…) scared in the short term but being in a room with a solid door that locks from the inside is a very good idea right now.

She sets the woman down in a clean spot far away from the chair and locks the door.


Marie makes teakettle noises for a moment and then starts wailing and hitting her head very hard against a bare patch of stone wall in the hope that maybe she can knock herself out.


Oh dear, noise. She is going to briefly emit an aura of being unimpaired by, among other things, fear.

She taps Marie and signs "Silence!".

"Nobody is going to sit in this evil chair. Nobody is going to use any of these tools. You are going to be on the floor, not being tortured, and I am going to read a scroll. Ideally this will be a very boring ten minutes for all of us and so ideally this room will seem very boring."


Oh. Even her thoughts and feelings aren’t hers. Well, that’s right and proper and so, so much more comfortable than being able to defy and be punished for it. Why is that thought vaguely sickening?

Whatever. She won’t be tortured! She’ll never need to be tortured again because she can’t possibly be disobedient ever again! Time for a nap.


Someone else could probably have handled that better, but it does seem likely to buy time to use her Lesser Planar Ally scroll. She's heard Desna is generous to the lost. (Also, she can barely manage a minute of the aura and would rather not use the entire thing right now. She cuts it off pretty quickly.)


And she goes through the scroll. It takes a while, but by the grace of Lady Luck she is uninterrupted.


And it appears that Desna in her wisdom has chosen to send a gancanagh. He looks around the room assessingly,


before turning to his caller. "So, what's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?"


Marie startles awake but at least she doesn't make much noise.


Zoriana turns to her and signs.

"He's supposed to be here and he's not going to hurt you. If you can still sleep now is a fine time."


She definitely can't. She's just going to stare at the two of them for now.


Zoriana turns back to the newcomer. "I was out adventuring and got plane shifted here. It seems like some lower plane, the woman here with us remembers dying and has clearly been having a very bad time of things for a while. I was hoping to attune a fork and get out of here with as many as I could carry once I did, but the fork hasn't finished attuning and I did get found so now we're hiding in here. Not the most welcoming place, I know."

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