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zoriana goes to purgatory
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"Well, hopefully we can make it better. Is now a good time to discuss payment?"


"Works for me. What are you in the mood for, coinage or the traditional payment?"


He leans against a wall and smiles. "Traditional, since you're offering."


"You use that line with all your callers, don't you."


"What can I say? I'm just cursed to only be summoned by beauties."


"I could prepare Remove Curse for you in a few hours."


"I think I can find the strength to manage without. You might want a Lesser Restoration when we're done, though."


"You know, I just might prepare a few. –I should mention, I'm Zoriana."


"A lovely name for a lovely lady. You can call me Cayden."


"I could call a lot of people Cayden."


"But how many of them might kiss you when you do?"


She turns to Marie. "Cayden and I are going to have sex. We're still interruptible."


Their priorities are absolutely insane. Marie is not going to comment on their absolutely insane priorities.


If Marie doesn't comment, Zoriana cannot explain that called outsiders tend to require payment, and she'd rather have sex with a very experienced inhumanly pretty shapeshifter who cares a lot about mutual enjoyment than pay thousands of crowns of platinum.

If Planar Ally were cheaper she'd imagine other people might use it just for this.


And it doesn't take that long until they're done, at least for now. He turns to Marie.

"Thank you for your patience."


That's such an insulting thing to say but Marie is obedient and convenient and will not comment on that. Not even though the people who are clearly perfectly capable of making her not feel hideously afraid every second have chosen to not do that while making her wait. Whatever. At some point they'll probably make her stop being bitter about this.


“So. What do the local fiends look like?”


"Remarkably humanoid. Big flowy hooded robes, beautiful but not really the same as how you currently are, you'll want to adjust this upward and have less of a smooth curve over here…" She starts poking Cayden's face.


His face warps as she pokes. A robe appears on him, though with the hood down. "How do I look?"


"You should surrender, you’re not going to fool anyone with that robe - " Marie is actually going to elaborate on why that robe won’t work and what comparatively merciful things might happen if they surrender, incidentally giving them a better idea of what capabilities the angels have demonstrated so far. So that they’re properly awed and intimidated, of course, or so she’s going to say if anyone asks.


Warp warp warp. This is a pattern he’s seen before. Usually it’s good to talk people through their reluctance and help them figure out their concerns on their own, but usually that reluctance is different.

He makes a snap judgement.

“I suggest you describe your opinions on enchantments.”


"It's generous and merciful to control your servants' thoughts and actions so they can't anger you."


Wow that's hellish.

"It's obvious to you that you can't actually stop us, isn't it? Given that, I suggest that you answer our questions and not worry too much, given that you can't control the situation anyway."

He is going to take a very long shower after this.


"Of course, anything you want." It's not like fear will actually help her be tortured less. She's just going to sit here and cry quietly and answer any questions they ask.


Cayden asks a few questions about angel behavior before having a sudden realization. "Zoriana! Can you teleport?"

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