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zoriana goes to purgatory
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"Do you have any sense of hours or days?"


"I'm sorry. No. I'm sorry."


"That happens to lots of prisoners, it's not your fault. Do you know any names for this place, or who the 'angels' say they work for?"


"Purgatory. They work for the Lord our God, maker of Heaven and Earth, of things visible an invisible, and... sorry."


This is not what the Boneyard looks like.

She'll sketch Pharasma's comet real quick. "Does she use this symbol, or a different one?"


"A cross."


"Huh." She'll draw an X. "Like this?"

It's probably too simple to be a demonic rune and it doesn't look like anyone else's symbol either, but she doesn't know everyone.



Marie corrects the orientation. "You know, like for the Crucifixion? It's supposed to have someone nailed to it?" Talking out loud seems hard but Marie doesn't know any sign language names for Jesus.


Yeah, alright. Obscure evil godling she hasn't heard about who likes playing Pharasma. Maybe a demon lord.

"I'm unfamiliar, should I know more?"

She should probably get herself a tuning fork, she doesn't have any for the lower planes. She rummages through her bag, pulls out a two-pronged fork with blunt ends, and hits the floor with it.


The fork resonates ominously.


Marie sobs inconsolably and remarkably quietly.


"It's alright if you don't want to talk about it, I don't consider it a priority. …I'm pretty sure this is just someone pretending to be the creator of the universe, the actual creator is mostly concerned with birth and death and putting down zombies and doesn't have spare time to nail anyone to a cross."


Marie is just going to keep crying and not comment on that, actually.


"I never really took a strong focus on counseling, I'm sorry."

"How about I tell you about my current plans. …oh, maybe a simpler question will help? Do you know if there's anything torturous about the tunics here? I wasn't sure, so I dressed you in a spare, but if it's good cloth one of us should grab the one in here."




The fork can go in a pocket near her skin, where she'll feel when it's done.

She tentatively sniffs and pokes the tunic, then starts washing it with soap from her bag and conjured water over the toilet.

"So. I'd like the option to return here if necessary, and for that I need the fork to stop. Might be a day, might be a few days, I can compromise on it if I have to. The soonest I can get us very far away from here is tomorrow, whiiiiich isn't actually a meaningful time to you, is it. An amount of time where I'd normally want to sleep at some point between now and then, though I might skip it unless you're up for sleeping in shifts."

"But before that, I can get us less far? You saw me teleport earlier. I can bring a passenger and I can go to nearish places I can see, we could cut a little hole in the door or try breaking the window, they might expect you to still be in here if there isn't a hole big enough for you to pass through. You probably know more about how this place is arranged than I do. It'd be great if we could be somewhere the 'angels' don't expect us."

"Tomorrow I can leave with up to seven other people, if we can round up seven other people. It sounds like that depends on how strong 'angels' are? I could hire an azata" she's not going to mention that Desna might send her an actual angel, that seems likely to just be terrifying "to help, maybe, they're stronger than I am."


"...I don't know anything about any of that."


"Do you have any guesses as to what's outside this room?"


"I don't know how many of these there are. I didn't notice anything on the way in this time."


"Are you in any condition to walk? Including with a cane, I have one and the question of which of us should use it is open."


One of her feet is in pretty dubious shape. "I'm not too proud to stay on my knees."


"You don't seem prideful at all, it's just a lot of people are slower that way." She looks at Marie consideringly. "I'd like to see if healing you a bit more will help, I'm not strong enough to regrow toes but it might still do some good."


"I'm glad to hear that I don't seem prideful."


Marie can get another Cure Light Wounds wand charge. (It's still weird to be using wands like an adventurer.)

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