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zoriana goes to purgatory
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The Sun is always rising somewhere. Zoriana once took it as a matter of faith, before the Song of the Spheres rewarded her works with Teleports.

In her soul, the sun finally rises.


She’s not actually safe yet, but she’s close enough that she can feel it. The spells settle into place as she meditates.

By the grace of Lady Luck she is uninterrupted.


She has a fork for Elysium and the power to use it. She gets Cayden as prepared as she can manage before taking hold of the petitioners' hands and leaving this place.


They arrive in a volcano. It doesn't, actually, hurt. It feels like it's about to hurt, like they've touched a pan that might be burning-hot and they should pull away before they're certain.


A woman who is either bathing in the lava or a shape formed from it gestures dismissively towards them, and a wave tosses them out before solidifying very rapidly.


The person from the pool screams. 


They're on newly formed rock that's only moderately warm, now. Around them are trees, and a shoreline leading to a strikingly clear ocean.


A winged squid rushes towards them.

"Is everyone alright?"


It doesn't really seem useful to say anything.


It really doesn't. They're obviously as okay as their new captors want them to be.


"These two just came here from some weird Lower Planes region that was pretending to train petitioners for Heaven, maybe a Sifkesh thing? I don't normally do rescues like this. I called a Gancanagh who's still there trying to attune a fork, so if you already have forks for that area we should maybe tell him to come home. The situation was very tense and he used some Suggestions to calm this one down but as it's not an emergency at this point dispels may be warranted."




Yeah, that's the part Marie isn't clear on either. The first part... makes sense, actually.


"You can understand me? –probably a local translation effect. The fork is a magic tool. Some people can use magic to go between planes, but unless they're very good they need tuning forks that go with the planes. Cayden is trying to get one for your world so that people here can go there and rescue more people, but it takes a little while for the fork to be usable. I used a different fork to go here, I can show it to you if you'd like."


She nods vaguely. 


In that case Zoriana can show her a blunt, two-pronged fork, anodized in a riot of colors.


She just kind of stares at it but she is definitely getting more than absolutely nothing out of this, if only barely. 


Zoriana offers the fork. "You can hold it, if you like, it's not very delicate."


The squid is yelling, but even though the squid is nearby their voice isn't. "We could use a planar consultant over here!"


Sure okay she can hold the fork. 


And now there's someone flying towards them, who looks way too large and wingless and metallic to do so but nonetheless can manage.


The squid waves as he approaches.


She smiles and watches.


The bronze-skinned man grabs some coconuts on his approach and lands near the recent arrivals.

"You needed a planar consultant?"

Before he gets an answer, he starts breaking open and offering coconuts.


"We just got out of a Lower Planes sort of environment I didn't recognize and need to know if it's already a well-known destination such that we can call back our ally attuning a fork."

Zoriana hasn't eaten in a while and is absolutely going to enjoy Elysian food while she's here. The coconut flesh is unnaturally yielding but she's still going to start with the liquid.

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