The Distinguished Delegates
Character introductions to the delegates and their friends.
Thread Authors Replies Last Updated
Complete Nobility: Eumenes Davian 0 by apprenticebard
Complete Religious: Tetula [1 2] 33 by westwind
Complete "Election": Jean Riudaure 4 by Numendil
Nobility: Alfonso Antoninus Iomedae [redacted] i Blanxart [1 2 3 4] 91 by apprenticebard
Hiatused Religious: Raimon Pages 0 by Alicorn
Complete "Religious": Ravounel Forest [1 2] 34 by danarmak
Religious: Ester Lacort 0 by Alicorn
Complete Has Warnings Sortition: Korva [1 2] 26 by apprenticebard
Hiatused Religious: Beatriu Llorens 0 by sesquipedalian
Complete Nobility: Alfons-Valentí Amaznen Serra i Costa 0 by lantalótë
Complete Nobility: Alexeara Cansellarion 6 by lantalótë
Complete Has Warnings Election: Antonio Ramirez 0 by lantalótë
Nobility: Ricard Tosel y Castel de Gualter 1 by nonevah
Complete Has Warnings "Religious": Bright Morning Feather [1 2] 35 by danarmak
Complete "Election": Dewbloom 18 by Endovior
Has Warnings Sortition: Purificació [1 2] 49 by apprenticebard
Complete Religious: Nuria Tosta 12 by MaggieoftheOwls
Has Warnings Sortition: Enric Porras 12 by lux
Sortition: Xavi 0 by Soon
"Election:" Liushna [1 2] 46 by MaggieoftheOwls
Nobility: Countess Eulàlia Avaricia de Seguer 0 by lintamande
Religious: Valia Wain 0 by lintamande
Religious: Ernest Solan 9 by UselessCommon
Complete Religious: Jofre Espaillat 0 by Alicorn
Religious: Kinelynn Brighthelm 5 by lalaithion